Home Forums Chat Forum Don't suppose anyone can guide me to cheap absestos polythene? (1000 gauge)

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  • Don't suppose anyone can guide me to cheap absestos polythene? (1000 gauge)
  • bearnecessities
    Full Member

    Demolishing garage at end of month and I’ve got to double-wrap the roof sheets.

    LA won’t supply it so I’ve been looking online…bloody hell it’s expensive! (£70 for 50m x 2m)?

    Anyone in ‘the know’ any suggestions where I can find it cheaper?

    (I’m in Leeds area, but travel about NW if any use).


    Free Member

    standard visqueen sheet and duct tape.

    Free Member

    Try AMS Holdings. They supply 1000 gauge poly to the industry.

    Free Member

    Sure I remember helping my dad demolish our old asbestos sheet garage (sides and roof) way back in early eighties. No idea what happened to the result… :-/


    Full Member

    Something like this might be a more useful quantity – costs more per sq/m but a smaller quantity- I’d imagine 50m would be more than you need.


    I don’t know if they do mail order but I used to used Express Polythene in birmingham and they were good for getting quantities off a roll at the per meter price rather than just having to buy the whole roll. Also for novelty they had giant polythene roller shutter that meant you could drive in off the street and straight up to the counter.

    Full Member

    Thanks 😀 Dramatic 50×2 is to allow for the total roof size including overlaps and the fact it’s got to be double wrapped, but that is still overkill I guess. 😳

    Some useful pointers though; I’ll research them.


    Full Member

    I used the Wickes damp proof membrane and had no bother at Chichester tip. They did check the stuff was wrapped then we chucked it all in a closed skip through a shoulder high slot.

    Free Member

    It really is load of bollox when it requires wrapping. Bloody site asbestos skips are open topped so when it’s tootling back down the road on the lorry it’s open to everything!

    Free Member

    I’m pretty sure u can use standard polythene as long as it’s.labelled correctly, anyway they wouldn’t know the difference at local tip

    Full Member

    I went and asked at my local tip and they gave me a load of bags for free.

    they wouldn’t know the difference at local tip

    Pretty sure mine will only accept if it’s in their own bags.

    Full Member

    Thanks, but sadly Leeds are not as generous. Plus they charge for me to dispose of it!

    Still, some councils appear to not accept it full stop, so guess I should be grateful.

    Haven’t figured out how I’ll get it to them yet…anyone got a van? 😀

    Full Member

    I can confirm to double bag 8 sheets of corrugated cement roof requires:

    2 x 15×4 DPM rolls from screwfix with a bit left over.

    200m of 50mm duct tape. DO NOT buy selco’s £4 crap, but screwfix’s £4 crap is very good. Excellent in fact.

    Ridiculously strong winds, pissing rain and occasional hailstorms, do not help.

    Free Member

    Are you building a new garage? Just bury it in the footings.

    Full Member

    Did you wrap each sheet separately? I’d have paired them up at least.

    Full Member

    Have you tried to lift one of them?!

    Full Member

    Yes, I cleared the whole roof from some outbuildings that would have been about three garages worth. First trip to the tip was a nasty surprise when I saw we were going to have to lift the damn things to shoulder height to get them in the slot. Near gave me a hernia but more plastic sheet would have cost a few quid and that money could be better spent on bike bits 🙂

    Full Member

    Ah, well there’s the difference – I wrapped these by myself and will be lobbing them in the skip in an equally billy-no-mates fashion. I really don’t think I could lift 2 🙂

    Full Member

    Much easier with two of you but friends who want to handle hazardous materials can be a little hard to find. I used a relative 🙂

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