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  • Dont call me Babe.
  • donsimon
    Free Member

    or do we believe the right wing frothers such as McBoo

    I’ve filed this one away for the next time you accuse people of personally attacking you, TJ.

    Free Member

    No I attacked him first. I called him a po-faced, humourless, supercilious, patronising old bore.

    Clearly nothing could be further from the truth. I withdraw the accusation without question.

    Free Member

    TJ.. The fact that a few people don’t like something doesn’t automatically make it wrong.

    My elderly mother calls EVERYONE ‘babe’. She isn’t on some power trip or committing a hate crime. To most normal people she’s simply being friendly. That the odd person doesn’t like it is their problem.

    I actually find your aloof championing of the minority voice quite demeaning to them and frankly, much ruder. Doubt that will make a difference though eh bruv.

    same with my mum, and you’ve written my thoughts…. are we bothers bruv?

    Full Member

    And we now have the full set with a “PC gone mad” complaint

    I assume that was pointed at me, however that’s not what I said.

    Some people do not like terms of endearment from people they don’t know, they may for instance find it belittleing and demeaning. Fine. I don’t really understand why, as mostly it is used in good spirit and with no negative connotations, but that’s not the point, they are entitled to their view.

    It belittleing and demeaning and disrespectful to refer to someone you don’t know by a term of endearment. It says “I am more powerful than you”

    Is still, however, patently untrue, like blackboards and ba-ba-blacksheeps are not racist. It’s the same for of political correctness in both cases that tells people that they should be offended by something that they never thought to be offended by before.

    Full Member

    So answer my point TJ. I don’t like being called “Sir”. I find it offensive.

    It is a term of deference derived from “Sire” or “My Lord”.
    I’m offended that anyone thinks I would demand such a servile from of address.

    So now I’ve made my objection known will you please avoid this offensive behaviour TJ and instead refer to me using the more equal term of “love” or “babe”.


    Full Member

    The psychology of treating someone ‘friendlier’ than you actually are is some power display thing, it’s done in politics a lot (e.g. one politician putting his arm round another one… Bush jnr. has done that a lot)

    Christ on a bendybus! I’m so bloody mad now!!! I’ve just realised that My entire day consists of being constantly belittled!

    What makes it worse is the people who do it are smiling as they do it. They seemed so nice. The bastards!

    I’m moving out of the North West to London. I’m going somewhere where the people I encounter are just rude, impolite or mute and uncommunicative. At least they’re showing me some bloody respect

    Full Member

    blackboards and ba-ba-blacksheeps are not racist.

    To be fair, I’m not sure anyone (sane) has ever really said they are. It was just a typical “PC-Gorn-MAd” story that certain papers love to print, sweety.

    Full Member

    My female boss calls me, and the three other men on our team, “petal”. It’s more baffling than insulting.

    It’s a north east thing apparently.

    Free Member

    the thing that upsets me mostest is when women refer to mens underwear as knickers. who can i write to?

    Free Member

    David Beckham?

    Full Member

    I’m moving out of the North West to London. I’m going somewhere where the people I encounter are just rude, impolite or mute and uncommunicative. At least they’re showing me some bloody respect

    I hated being back in the North West at the weekend, people I’d never met were hideously disrespectful to me in pubs, shops, on the street, standing in a queue for the bogs.

    I mean, the temerity of being friendly to a stranger, I’d have them all whipped.

    Full Member

    To be fair, I’m not sure anyone (sane) has ever really said they are. It was just a typical “PC-Gorn-MAd” story that certain papers love to print, sweety.

    Yeah, you may have a point, but you get mine, honeybun.

    Free Member

    emsz – Member

    I hate being called ‘babe’, or ‘sweetheart’ by blokes, but i don’t mind ‘love’ from old dears on the checkout though. there’s a bloke on the train station that calls everyone “me duck” which is ok. Hate being complimented by strangers as well, very creepy

    And yet TJ claims:

    Can yo really not see how belittleing it can be? Note all the women posting on here dislike it.

    Maybe thats the intent but its not a cultural difference – note all the women on here dislike it.

    It belittleing and demeaning and disrespectful to refer to someone you don’t know by a term of endearment. It says “I am more powerful than you”
    Why are you claiming this, when it’s not true?

    Free Member

    and once again this overtly ‘average’ country rules the majority by the minority.

    People are dying in eastern europe due to severe cold conditions, people dying in third world with severe malnutrition – but someone innocently calls a woman ‘love’ on a bus and it’s headline news.

    FFS – just sayin

    Full Member

    ‘s all about context, innit. It’s quite possible to use terms address like ‘love’ in a sleazy, sexist way; it’s equally possible to use it perfectly innocently.

    There’s an old woman on the supermarket checkouts here who uses ‘love’ about every third word. “Twenty quid, love. Have you got a club card love? Thanks love, there you go love. Pop your card in love, PIN and enter love, thanks love, bye love.” I’m pretty sure that she’s neither declaring unwarranted sexual desire towards every customer she meets, nor establishing her position of power over us all from behind the till. Moreover, I suspect she’d be mortified if she thought for a second that anyone might think that.

    On the other hand, a lad outside a pub with a small lake’s worth of Stella sloshing around inside him, bellowing “bloody hell love, you don’t get many of them to a pound, do you want me to weigh ’em?” as you walk past, probably has entirely different motivations for saying it.

    Context. Just because it can be inappropriate doesn’t mean it automatically is.

    Full Member

    Just because it can be inappropriate doesn’t mean it automatically is.


    Free Member

    cougar, my man, you fine fellow, babe….. we’ve tried putting forward to context point several pages ago bruv, but the threads past the point of making good points darling.

    alright my lover? got it bro?

    (you should notice i wont be disrespectful enough to call you sir. oh and i quite like being told by random men outside pubs they couldn’t get many of mine for a pound, makes me feel expensive)

    Free Member

    ‘s all about context, innit.

    This should be the end of the thread really.

    Full Member

    GrahamS – Member
    blackboards and ba-ba-blacksheeps are not racist.
    To be fair, I’m not sure anyone (sane) has ever really said they are. It was just a typical “PC-Gorn-MAd” story that certain papers love to print, sweety.

    In a similar vain, I remember several years ago (probably about 10 now), they (whoever they are) tried to get Blackbird Hill & the Pub called the Blackbird (at the top of Blackbird Hill) in Neasden changed to Greybird Hill & The Greybird.
    Yes, really. They didn’t get very far though.

    This is an amazing thread.

    It has opened my eyes to the daily demeaning & belittling that I face every time one of those women in Tesco’s calls me love, dear, sweetheart……..oh and petal that someone mentioned above.
    I’m a red blooded man for god sakes! I am not your sweetheart and next time you refer to me as such I will strike you down with my Tesco Finest Chocolate Brioche and see how you like a bit of belittling yourself…..

    Ha. Take that.

    Free Member

    Jamie – Member

    sugar balls.


    Full Member

    I am not your sweetheart and next time you refer to me as such I will strike you down with my Tesco Finest Chocolate Brioche and see how you like a bit of belittling yourself…..

    Just let them know that our guardian of PC thinking says it is far less belittling if they refer to you as “My Lord”.

    Free Member


    Qu’ils mangent de la brioche…..

    Full Member

    Well, if you’re buying your brioche from Tesco you deserve everything you get darling.

    Full Member

    IHN – Member
    Well, if you’re buying your brioche from Tesco you deserve everything you get darling.

    I ain’t your darling…..geeza.

    Tesco FINEST. Not just any old Brioche for chez Stumpy01…


    Full Member

    Tesco Finest = Waitrose Floorsweepings. FACT 🙂

    Free Member

    *hides Iceland brioche wrapper*

    Full Member

    Icelands don’t sell brioche.

    That’s just a sponge finger that’s gone off a bit, candycock.

    Free Member

    grum – Member

    ‘s all about context, innit.

    This should be the end of the thread really.

    Really? Cause page 1 you were indignant with rage about the “culture of belittlement”.

    Free Member

    Do you not think that stepping in and speaking on their behalf is not in itself somewhat patronizing?

    I am not sure how imploring you to actually read their view – that they find it sexist and belittling , rather than keep ignoring it is patronising…still anything you can clutch at to argue with TJ..you have become so fixated on this [ really how much time do you waste storing posts for later – do you use excel to have a handy reference system?] you are actually starting to talk crap and nonsense to just carry on your grudge..look sweetheart, take some advice on board please, you just need to calm down . ok dear

    How on earth could it be called patronizing to implore you to take the views of females seriously?

    Still DS you just argue with TJ as it makes you a man
    ] Do you actually expect to change TJ DS? – can I call you King Canute [ if only for the fun of the typos I can have misspelling your new name?]

    Full Member

    Still DS you just argue with TJ as it makes you a man

    No, he’s just asserting his position of authority.

    Free Member

    mountain chub – Member

    People are dying in eastern europe due to severe cold conditions, people dying in third world with severe malnutrition – but someone innocently calls a woman ‘love’ on a bus and it’s headline news

    It was ‘babe’.

    A man saying ‘Alright babe’ to a woman has different connotations than ‘Alright love’.

    ‘Babe’ to me is a term that references sexual attractiveness so I can see why some ladies may find in inappropiate. If I’m speaking to someone on the phone I’ll use ‘Sir’ or ‘Madam’ and face to face I’m pretty sure I’ve never used ‘love’ ‘babe’ ‘darling’ etc to someone I don’t know.

    Full Member

    Junkyard – Member

    How on earth could it be called patronizing to implore you to take the views of females seriously?

    I took the patronising comment to mean that it was patronising towards women to jump in and assume that they cannot fight their own corner, like a knight in shining armour…..rather than it being patronising to DS that he should consider the views of females and take them seriously…..

    Is that clearer, Sweetie??

    Full Member

    ‘Babe’ to me is a term that references sexual attractiveness

    So when elzorillo and philconsequence’s elderly mother calls you babe, you think that means she is sexually attracted to you?

    In fact she “calls everyone babe” apparently.

    So I think you just called their elderly mother a slapper?

    Is that right darling?

    Free Member

    I’m guessing “sugartits” would probably fall outside the bounds of acceptability.

    I was once passed by a rider who shouted, “Elite rider passing on your right, sugar tits”, but it was my husband, so I let it slide.

    I dislike being called ‘babe’. I don’t have much of a problem with duck, chuck, pet, petal or me dear, because they all sound like they can be applied to both men and women equally, although I’d question their use by strangers or colleagues in formal circumstances.

    It might be a regional thing, but for me using ‘babe’ as a term of endearment comes off as being a bit sleazy and sexualised. It makes me think of the Daily Star and Nuts magazine, and of convention Booth Babes. Booth ducks would be awesome though.

    Full Member

    * sashays into thread *

    Make my day guys – call me ‘Babe’.

    * waits excitedly *

    Full Member

    Mrs Toast – Member

    I was once passed by a rider who shouted, “Elite rider passing on your right, sugar tits”, but it was my husband, so I let it slide.

    He does that to everyone.

    Full Member

    using ‘babe’ as a term of endearment comes off as being a bit sleazy and sexualised

    I’m getting more and more interested in meeting elzorillo and philconsequence’s elderly mother. She must be a right go-er. 😀

    Free Member

    CG – you’re a babe :mrgreen:

    my mum is indeed a right go-er, once had a to break into a car after a cheeky meet up for outdoor rumpypumpy on top of a clif ended up with them locking the keys inside the car! 😆

    but that’s not the reason she calls people babe, its the same as me calling people dude… only ever intended as a friendly thing, nothing sexual. personally i think ‘honey’ has as many sexual connotations as ‘babe’ (high street honeys for example) and as a result its not a term i’d use when chatting to teh laydeez. but i wouldn’t batter an eyelid if a lady called me honey or babe, despite knowing they probably want me willy, it’d be incredibly self-centered and up-myself to assume so.

    Free Member

    GrahamS – Member

    “‘Babe’ to me is a term that references sexual attractiveness”

    So when elzorillo and philconsequence’s elderly mother calls you babe, you think that means she is sexually attracted to you?

    In fact she “calls everyone babe” apparently.

    So I think you just called their elderly mother a slapper?

    Is that right darling?


    Full Member

    I’d love too CG, but apparently that’d be belittling you. I’m sorry, but I’ve just too much respect for you

    Sorry 😳

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