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    without seeking a balanced opinions on world issues?

    Welcome to the forum.  We can be an echo chamber, like all groups, so happy to hear the facts that support the alternative view.

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    they too don’t understand even many basic things

    To be fair, many may be fully capable of understanding if they were willing, but they prefer to surf the wave of populism

    If you got a rational  intelligent, impartial person to look at both candidates, sure they may disagree with some of Harris’ policies, but I cant believe anyone would think Trump has the competence and morals to be president, judging by the things that he has said and done in the past, and the childish jibbering nonsense he comes out with at rallies.

    Free Member

    Actually, it was the people that worked directly for Trump during the last administration that said he had fascist leanings.

    I was asking for actual evidence that he has done, or intends to do something ‘fascist’, not just hearsay or the opinions of people who have either fallen out with Trump, or have biased or vested interests to stir the pot against him.

    Do you have any actual evidence?

    I notice that Trump has promised to release some official data held on the Epstein client list, including no doubt some very prominent people who visited Epstein’s island on a regular basis.  I wonder if this is why so many are keen to smear him? Smacks of desperation IMO.

    Free Member

    If you got a rational  intelligent, impartial person to look at both candidates, sure they may disagree with some of Harris’ policies, but I cant believe anyone would think Trump has the competence and morals to be president, judging by the things that he has said and done in the past, and the childish jibbering nonsense he comes out with at rallies.

    Plenty of stuff gets presented out of context by the far-left media.  You won’t get presented with a balanced opinion from the Guardian, BBC, NYT etc.  Same with the alternative right leaning media in their depiction of Harris.  Trump is far more savvy than you have been led to believe by the bias media you consume.

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    What parts in particular did you think were unhinged.  By unhinged, I assume you mean ‘Nazi’ or ‘Fascict’

    No, because if I’d meant nazi or fascist, I’d have said that. I didn’t though, did I?  I mean unhinged as in absolutely ****ing hatstand. Madder than a bucket of spiders. Demented. Completely unfit to be anywhere near high office.

    I will leave the best appraisal of him to the definative commentators of our age – the Daily Star – who had the measure of him, perfectly, some years ago…


    Full Member

    I was asking for actual evidence that he has done, or intends to do something ‘fascist’,

    Well I think you are trying to put words into people’s mouths there… But anyway.. there is this! he said when trying to overthrow the last election..

    ‘We will never concede. It doesn’t happen’

    Text book fascism..

    A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.

    Full Member

    Do you have any actual evidence?

    I notice that Trump has promised to release some official data held on the Epstein client list, including no doubt some very prominent people who visited Epstein’s island on a regular basis.  I wonder if this is why so many are keen to smear him? Smacks of desperation IMO.

    Evidence.  Interesting.  Trump has continually promised (as recently as his interview with JR) to produce evidence that the 2020 election was stolen.  NOTHING has ever appeared.

    Trump does not keep his promises.

    What Trump believes and what is fact are two very, VERY different things.

    Full Member

    You dont have to look far @tallyhoe
    The enemy within is OG fascism

    He did the classic, the press are enemies of the people

    He literally demanded that Georgias secretary of state find 11000 more votes because he refused to accept he lost the election there’s a recording of the hour long phonecall and everything

    And on January 6th as his mob stormed the capital where he said “If you don’t fight like hell, you’re not going to have a country anymore”. Repeating the lies about having the election stolen, despite him now knowing he lost

    As for epstein he was a close friend of the guy, partied and hung out with him, joked about him liking underage girls (he’s made similar comments about young girls himself)

    he’s lied about his association with him and flew on his jet 7? times, even took his own kids to stay with him

    Trump partying with underage models was not a secret

    The question is why you seem so supportive of a convicted felon, a rapist, best mate with a paedophile and wannabe fascist?

    Full Member

    The media I consume is pretty balanced, and definitely not far left*

    I didn’t say he was an idiot, and agree he is very savvy with good political instincts, which is great for manipulating a crowd, but his understanding of policy and demonstrably immoral character are the opposite of what is needed when it comes to running a country in a way that benefits the  maximum number of people.

    *that phrase is a red flag and often used erroneously by Trump as a tool to skew reality.

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    Tallyhoe sounds exactly like the Americans I work with: demanding people provide evidence of Trump’s failings rather than just opening their eyes to the literal mountains of evidence Trump himself, and those around him, have provided over the last decade or so. And then when anyone tries to do the legwork it’s just dismissed as “extreme liberal woke-ism” or some similarly lazy excuse. That’s what I meant when I said it was partly exhausting.

    Full Member

    What is the meaning of sealioning?

    What does sealioning mean? Sealioning is a critical term for a form of trolling that involves relentlessly pestering someone with questions and requests (such as for evidence or sources), typically with the goal of upsetting them and making their position or viewpoint seem weak or unreasonable.

    Tallyhoe joined a matter of hours ago and makes 2 seemingly innocuous posts but the other 5 are in one of the most contentious threads on STW. It fits the usual pattern.

    I suspect he isn’t the new member he might appear to be.

    Anyway, it’s all good…

    Full Member

    They’re a hungry Troll. We could always let them starve?

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    Far left media

    anyone responding to a 2hr old account opening with that needs to step away from the browser.

    Free Member

    I suggest you leave it under its bridge.

    Full Member

    Had anyone worked out who the new troll is yet? Similar writing style to some of the more recent trolls

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    Demented. Completely unfit to be anywhere near high office.

    Much like Biden then who seemingly doesn’t even know which year it is, and can currently barely even string a coherent sentence together.  Or does this not matter to you because he has views you agree with?

    Free Member

    Plenty of stuff gets presented out of context by the far-left media.

    I would love to see some “far-left media”.  Any pointers as to where I may find it?

    Full Member

    Biden. Stay or go?

    An overwhelming ‘go’ if I remember correctly…

    Free Member

    I would love to see some “far-left media”.  Any pointers as to where I may find it?

    In the UK start with the Bill Gates funded Guardian and perhaps work your way downhill from there.

    Full Member

    I see tallyhoe has done the usual cowardly conspiracy theorist thing of asking for examples of something (fascism) and then after receiving loads….

    Completely ignores them

    This is why education matters

    Full Member

    Much like Biden then who seemingly doesn’t even know which year it is, and can currently barely even string a coherent sentence together.  Or does this not matter to you because he has views you agree with?

    Oh I see, in your efforts to read a wide range of media, you seem to have missed that Biden isn’t on the ballot, I thought it had been rather widely reported, but I guess not on the truth social QAnon threads.

    Full Member

    In the UK start with the Bill Gates funded Guardian…

    Manchester Guardian or Northwich Guardian? I’m going to have to do my own research.

    Free Member

    Re. Examples of fascism, this sounds pretty fascist to me.

    Much like when they Democrats put pressure on social media to get Trump banned, which they did.  Oh and the left wing (having had control of it themselves for years) now want to sensor and restrict Twitter.  Because Twitter now at long last gives both sides of the political spectrum equal opportunities to free speech, so the left have thrown their toys out of the pram because their opinions are able to be challenged.

    Censorship and forceable suppression of the opposition by the Democrats and the left.  Nothing like fascism there according to your definition eh?  Hypocrite.

    Full Member

    ^ new troll getting rattled.

    They/them must have very thin skin.

    Full Member

    Oh dear.

    I’ll pop back later I think.

    Full Member

    Lol, twitter balanced?

    Ok that’s true if your world view skews firmly racist.

    Full Member

    Much like Biden then who seemingly doesn’t even know which year it is, and can currently barely even string a coherent sentence together.


    But this guy is totally fine. Or does it not matter to you because he has views that you agree with?

    Free Member

    There’s an easy test to see if a source of information is balanced or not.

    If they put out stories that agree with “your side”, it’s balanced! Otherwise it’s a source of far-left/far-right misinformation.

    Free Member

    @Tallyhoe – If the BBC is “Far Left” where does that leave the Socialist Worker?

    Besides, their most senior political correspondent has an obviously right wing bias. The chair of their flagship debating program the same. The Director General was a Conservative Candidate and a member of the party.

    In the UK start with the Bill Gates funded Guardian and perhaps work your way downhill from there.

    The Guardian newspaper and The Global Development series are connected but are not the same thing.


    Sounds like they are really on a sneaky mission to oppress poor Donald and the likes of Yaxley Lennon.

    To advance and inform public discourse and citizen participation around the most pressing issues of our time through the support of independent journalism and journalistic projects at the Guardian”

    Free Member

    To advance and inform public discourse and citizen participation around the most pressing issues of our time through the support of independent journalism and journalistic projects at the Guardian”

    If you actually believe that then you are even more gullible than I first thought possible.

    Free Member

    Tallyhoe seems like a lovely chap ? must have got lonely under that bridge

    Free Member

    DJT share price is up by 200% in a month! Presumably a lot of people confident he is going to win.

    Free Member

    If you actually believe that then you are even more gullible than I first thought possible.

    So what is The Guardian and Bill Gates really trying to do?

    Apart from the paperclip, what harm has Bill Gates done and what is he trying/going to do?

    He seems to use his immense wealth to try and help people, rather than sell dodgy, over priced watches and shoes?

    Full Member

    What did we do to justify having our new right wing troll?

    Or is it just one of the old ones, back under a new name?

    Full Member

    Much like when they Democrats put pressure on social media to get Trump banned, which they did

    Yes, because a twitter ban is exactly the same as throwing people in jail or wishing them executed

    Full Member

    Censorship and forceable suppression of the opposition by the Democrats and the left. Nothing like fascism there according to your definition eh? Hypocrite

    Trump censored himself by breaking twitters terms of service, or do you think the Jan 6th coup attempt was legitimate and the election really was stolen ?

    Free Member

    So what is The Guardian and Bill Gates really trying to do?

    Apart from the paperclip, what harm has Bill Gates done and what is he trying/going to do?

    He seems to use his immense wealth to try and help people, rather than sell dodgy, over priced watches and shoes?

    Bill Gates, uses his foundation and philanthropy to avoid tax, and also to influence public policy that benefit his own investments and personal beliefs.  Apparently he made a 20x return on his investment in vaccine manufacturers just before the pandemic and used his influence and foundation to pressure everyone, via Gavi and the WHO to get vaccinated.  The situation in India is just one small tip of his corrupt, self serving iceberg:


    Suggest you all need to open your eyes to reality.

    Full Member

    Apart from the paperclip, what harm has Bill Gates done and what is he trying/going to do?

    Isn’t Microsoft somehow responsible for Comic Sans? That should carry a sentence of life imprisonment, at the very least

    Free Member

    Yes, because a twitter ban is exactly the same as throwing people in jail or wishing them executed

    They have been trying to throw Trump in jail incase you haven’t noticed.  Tried to remove him from ballots too.  Lawfare at it’s most undemocratic.

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