Quite a while ago, we had offas dyke to keep the welsh english apart, watts dyke for similar stuff, then Hadrians wall and a few others, then we have the so called peace wall in the northern part of ireland,israel has the wall, east germany had a wall, north and south korea have a border fence, what Mr Trump is saying is nothing new, and as for deporting ilegals we are also doing that in uk plc, we have hugely costly detention centres, some even burn down,due to carelessly discarded cigarettes etc.
In this country we have food banks,thousands on benefits,a failing underfunded nhs, a poor and expensive railway system, lack of affordable housing,crap repairs to roads, litle cycling infrastructure,council services being desimated etc etc, yet most spend their time having a go at a cheerful grandad type figure who has just been democratically elected by the country, while we have a woman named after a shampoo and who the public, thats us didnt elect, and most of probably would never elect.