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  • Donald! Trump!
  • jambalaya
    Free Member

    First police shooting of a black person will be a coming back to earth moment for America .

    It’s not like that wasn’t a problem under Obama though ?

    There have been many stories of Obama “calling it in” from the golf course over the past 2 years.

    Free Member

    Those Merican snowflakes are really over reacting aren’t they.

    Free Member

    Those Merican snowflakes are really over reacting aren’t they

    Well, they are until the TV presenter catches them out.

    Free Member

    ninfan – Member
    Well, they are until the TV presenter catches them out.

    Is that guy for real … Priceless. 😆

    Free Member

    Well, they are until the TV presenter catches them out.

    Another irrefutable ninfact, almost as dodgy as the jambafacts.

    Full Member

    Do you lot think Trump won with a narrow margin?

    Well there are still 2 states to declare but at the moment Hillary leads by 0.3%, so it seems quite close.

    Full Member

    Does anyone know where I can find odds for trump not lasting the full term in office?

    The more I read about him the more I think he’ll hate being president. It really wouldn’t surprise me if he resigns or ‘becomes ill’.

    Edit – I guess impeachment / assassination is also just as likely!

    Full Member

    I doubt it’ll be assassination, of they could protect Obama, no matter how many people he offends.
    Interesting to see how his court cases pan out.

    Illness or impeachment much more likely, Ive no doubt that the republicans around him will be the ones running the show, I’m not sure he’ll have too much leeway with defence. Other than he’s said he wanted to spend much more. Worryingly the whole drone assassination machine has come about since the the Bush days, Obama used it enough, the potential for the reps and Trump to use it on the Iranians for example and stir up untold levels of shit is worrying. If he tries to honour his pledge of destroying ISIS in 30 days, 5gose drones are gonna be crazy busy, that or a lot more arms shipments to proxy allies.

    No idea what about trade war with China would look like, with implications for south China sea flashpoints.
    China have already stepped in to set up their own version of TTIP at Asia Pacific trade conference in Peru, now it’s demise has been confirmed with a Trump presidency.

    NAFTA, who knows a lot harder to unpick a trade deal that’s already in place for 20+ years

    Free Member

    Do you lot think Trump won with a narrow margin?

    A quick calc said it was about 100,000 votes in total over 3 states that swung it to Trump

    Full Member

    chewkw – Member
    Do you lot think Trump won with a narrow margin?

    Well HC is ahead on the popular vote (like the referendum count if that helps explain it to you) by around 200k votes I think, and someone has calculated that if 144k voters (out of 120 million so just over 0.1%) had voted differently the she’d have won in the electoral college.

    So yes close.

    But Trump won – in a narrow and highly divisive vote, where many people appear to have voted along racial (not necessarily racist, but…) lines.
    I think he’d best get used to protest, poor little snowflake that he is. #itsnotfair

    Edit: timing is everything

    Full Member

    Sounds like the back-pedalling on Obamacare will be the first in a series of tactical retreats.

    What worries me is that the people who voted for trump are the same people who voted for brexit. They’re already angry. With some justification.Both Trump an Farage were right to point out that people have been abandoned to the forces of globalisation, by politicians who don’t give a **** about them

    But these people have no answers. They simply offer scapegoats, and try to present easy answers to comply problems. Everything they promised isn’t within their power to deliver. And they know it!

    When it becomes apparent that this shiny new future they were promised doesn’t exist, and that they’ve been royally conned, and taken for mugs, by a bunch of self-serving populist charlatans, what then?

    I can see some serious civil unrest on the horizon, because for these already angry, disenfranchised, and ‘left-behind’ sections of society, I’d say things, far from getting better, are about to get considerably worse! While the people who use this moment as an opportunity to increase their already comfortable wealth and circumstances, will be the usual suspects, who never seem to lose.

    All this is not going to end well

    Free Member

    Well said binners.

    Free Member

    But Trump won – in a narrow and highly divisive vote, where many people appear to have voted along racial (not necessarily racist, but…) lines.

    I know he’s orange but both he and Clinton are actually white.

    Free Member

    The Republicans won everything, President, Senate and House. However you look at it it was a landslide.

    Yup the popular vote was close even though polls said it would not be. Trump won spending half the money Hillary did, she and the Democrats threw everything they could at it and came up short.

    Free Member

    The Republicans won everything, President, Senate and House. However you look at it it was a landslide.

    If I close my eyes, I can’t see you. If I can’t see you, then you can’t see me. #Fact.

    Free Member

    I can see some serious civil unrest on the horizon,

    All the social unrest I see is coming from the defeated, ie Republicans. Ditto in France where violent demonstrators are all from the hard left.

    Don’t put too much store in the press trying to restablish credibility (having got election totally wrong) by publishing stories about Trump backpedalling. He is going to go in a very different direction than Obama.

    Full Member

    Trump winning after using xenophobia and prejudice as an election tactic, was always going to spell trouble with the tensions already so high, it’s only taken a few of Trumps far right admirers daubing swaztikas about to provoke people even more.
    Sadly predictable

    Free Member

    Don’t put too much store in the press trying to restablish credibility (having got election totally wrong) by publishing stories about Trump backpedalling. He is going to go in a very different direction than Obama.

    He barely published a single policy, back pedal would be ambitious.
    Mind you he needs a list
    Fix blind trust problems (giving kids control doesn’t cut it)
    Leave his pad in NYC (from Reading the delicate little snowflake doesn’t like change)
    Work out how to work with republicans he has spent 12months slagging off.

    Full Member

    All the social unrest I see is coming from the defeated, ie Republicans.



    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    He barely published a single policy, back pedal would be ambitious.

    Is that a crime? Are you concerned that it will affect his election outcome?

    Free Member

    Ditto in France where violent demonstrators are all from the hard left.


    Surprised you missed this one as the far right was out to have a pop at Muslims. I would have thought more likely you were out with them than you forgot

    Why do you insist on saying things that are just untrue?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    alpin – Member

    He is a bit energetic isn’t he. 😯

    Must be that large coffee he is carrying. 😆

    Free Member

    Is that a crime? Are you concerned that it will affect his election outcome

    Maybe try reading, he needs to sort out blind trust (legal) sort out some policy (he has none) then work out how to appease the voters who he is backflipping all over anything he has said (similar to his election campaign) legal doesn’t matter

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member
    Maybe try reading, he needs to sort out blind trust (legal) sort out some policy (he has none) then work out how to appease the voters who he is backflipping all over anything he has said (similar to his election campaign) legal doesn’t matter

    Yes, but why can’t he just have sometime to celebrate his election win before starting to pen push? What’s the hurry?

    You do know he/they still need to have a proper celebration before resuming office? After all that outgoing President is still in office so what’s the rush. Relax dude, relax … chill.

    Full Member

    Forget the Simpsons Rage predicted Trump (actually Michael Moore slipped the placard in)

    Free Member

    @chewkw do you actually have a proper job? You’re outlook if you presented it to me would probably get you fired.

    Free Member

    the most confusing thing about chewy is that folk actually try and engage with him

    Full Member

    Jamba – yes it was close. Trump won the electoral college vote by a far smalller margin than Clinton won the popular vote – it was up to about 400k this morning so closing on half a million.

    I predict a bit of unrest. Let you know how it is when I’m next out there – should be January.

    Free Member

    the most confusing thing about chewy is that folk actually try and engage with him

    He’s mildly amusing and it passes the time. I’m sure no one actually takes him seriously.

    Free Member

    mikewsmith – Member

    do you actually have a proper job? You’re outlook if you presented it to me would probably get you fired.

    I am a bureaucrat with the efficiency of a machine.

    Who is going to fire President Elect Trump if he takes time to savour his election win? The outgoing President?

    captainsasquatch – Member
    He’s mildly amusing and it passes the time. I’m sure no one actually takes him seriously.

    Oh c’mon … President Elect Trump has not even finished celebration and outgoing President is still in office, you expect everything to be in place?

    Free Member

    He’s mildly amusing and it passes the time

    I found it hard to even make out what his point was
    then again I have not seen his posts for months now so perhaps so many folk file blocking have led him to troll express himself in a slightly less bonkers way?
    It was all long posts on zombie maggots and Glocks last time i had the pleasure
    I also found it nuts the way he was an immigrant bureaucrat who railed against immigrants and bureaucrats. i doubt very much that much of what he says of himself is true.

    Full Member

    Any news on the Trump fraud trial or whether the head of the FBI is facing prosecution for influencing the election?

    Free Member

    This thread is educational, who knew that being a cameraman excluded you from having a opinion 🙄

    Free Member

    Fraud (trades description act really) trial no new news. FBI Obama will do nothing as there is zero upside, if Democrats press that they KNOW 100% Trump will follow up on his Clinton special prosecutor threat which he may well do anyway

    EDIT: your link is a year old “apparently FN” ie they just made that up

    Junky I don’t read the Express and no coverage of that I have seen on French TV either (so news to me), only fact that finally socialisg mayor of Paris is taking action to clear the streets of the 50 new migrants arriving every week from Italy. With the Presidential election warming up the left afford to be seen to be doing nothing hence Calais cleared etc

    Full Member

    What worries me is that the people who voted for trump are the same people who voted for brexit. They’re already angry. With some justification.Both Trump an Farage were right to point out that people have been abandoned to the forces of globalisation, by politicians who don’t give a **** about them

    And the mugs voted to “bring back power” to them!

    Full Member

    My link Jamba? Or another one?

    I’d be disappointed if some action isn’t taken against the FBI guy. We expect our lawmen to uphold the law not break it, which it seems he clearly did.

    Not sure any action should be taken on the election result on the back of it though – Clinton conceded after all.

    On the fraud / mis-selling – it sounds like Trump has a track record on that then… 😉

    Free Member

    I think it just shows how poor the alternatives were that people had to vote for trump
    and brexit.

    Full Member

    Because Trump and Farage don’t profit from globalisation?

    Free Member

    Its not about them, they’re amateurs and wouldn’t have had a look in had our politicians represented everyone not just the few who usually vote or the businesses that lined their pockets.

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