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  • Donald! Trump!
  • dazh
    Full Member

    you can see the reasons for the anger, but why do they think Trump is the answer to their problems ?

    They don’t. There are many reasons, but the best ones are summarised by Michael Moore[/url].

    Free Member

    leads me to suspect we’re all over thinking this.

    Pretty much.

    Free Member

    leads me to suspect we’re all over thinking this.

    Speak for yourself.

    Free Member

    Luckily for him Clinton was an even bigger failure.

    looks at percentage of votes for each candidate and ponders

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    Full Member

    I like the way he veers from a direct lift from the West Wing, to calling Trump a douche nozzle.

    Free Member

    Lol at the Newsnight clip on FB.

    “What are you going to do on your first day in the White House?”
    “Lots of things. So many things you wouldn’t believe”

    Ok, Donald. Things. Got it.

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    Ronald Reagan was similarly demonised by the left, especially outside the USA, but I think was widely considered by most Americans to have been a very good President (and to have been much smarter than many gave him credit for being).

    Sorry I’m a bit late but Reagan was all ready a politician having served as governor before making his Whitehouse bid. Trump has no experience and that’s the worrying part for the thinking American / the best part for the rabble rousers. Hopefully the experiment will be cost neutral/beneficial.

    Free Member

    Stoner, that academic is saying nothing new….Eric Hoffer said the exact same thing 60 years ago. Do people really have this short a lived collective memory?

    Free Member

    Eric Hoffer said the exact same thing 60 years ago. Do people really have this short a lived collective memory?

    Everyone needs to read Hoffer. +1

    Free Member

    Alan (sic) Sorkin’s letter to his daughters:

    Sentimental clap trap that makes him so successful as a scriptwriter.

    Full Member

    meaty – Member

    Sentimental clap trap that makes him so successful as a scriptwriter.

    Perhaps, but who would you want to write a rallying cry to the Democratic Party other than Arron Sorkin? I can’t think of anyone better.

    Full Member

    In all honesty, and I wouldn’t have voted for him, I’m optimistic about his presidency.

    He’s got everything going for him, so should be able to effect change and in short order.

    I’m hoping that he won’t repeal all of Obamacare, but we’ll see; the first 100days will set the tone. If it’s a total clusterf***, at least it’s only 4years unlike Brexit.

    Free Member

    I’m optimistic about his presidency

    Based on what?

    Free Member

    “Based on what?”

    I’m optimistic. Given people are worried he’ll nuke China and Russia in his first week he can only exceed expectations.

    Free Member

    Perhaps, but who would you want to write a rallying cry to the Democratic Party other than Arron Sorkin? I can’t think of anyone better.

    He will appeal to the liberals on the West and East Coasts, but they have got those votes in the bag, maybe a bit less JayZee and Beyonce and a bit more Archie Bunker is what they need to win the rust belt states where they lost the election.

    Full Member

    Based on what?

    I have doubled up on the lottery tonight, the world cannot continue to be this unlucky, can it?

    Free Member

    I have doubled up on the lottery tonight, the world cannot continue to be this unlucky, can it?

    Haha, likewise.

    Full Member

    People who know President Elect Trump, who have worked with him, have said that he’s a pragmatist, that he geniuinely wants to make a difference…I still think he’s a little unhinged, but then, so was Churchill and he’s probably our most revered statesman of all time…

    I prefer people with flaws and conviction over flawless people with nothing you can hold them to.

    Free Member

    Eh? Trump is the living embodiment of Neo-liberalism.

    Trump identified the problem of communities which have been left out of the nation’s economic success over the last two decades, and offered solutions. Between 1996 and 2013 annual per-capita US GDP has grown from around $30,000 to $53,000. But most households haven’t shared equally in that. US real median household income has been on a downward trend since 1999 and (after a second temporary blip in 2007) is now back where it was in 1996.

    His campaign was based on fixing the economy for those people and they voted for it; he also provided endless distractions with his comments and behaviour. The Democrats responded by attacking his personal suitability but didn’t make the case for the economy. In the end, it was the economy stupid.

    Trump’s solution for those who’ve been left behind is to blame it on foreigners – immigration and trade – and build the walls to keep them out.

    This is mercantilism – trade is a zero-sum game and America will be better off if he negotiates tougher terms to raise the price of imports, which will hurt the foreigners and benefit America.

    Most likely he will pick on limited product areas, such as steel, to attempt to revive the US industries which have suffered, whilst allowing iphones to travel unimpeded.

    His view of trade and globalisation seems commonplace, but the root cause of the losses of those rust-belt communities isn’t trade, it’s technological change. The productive businesses which generated wealth for those communities in the past have been overtaken by changes in technology, and those communities are struggling to find new roles. Whilst the pace of change has been increasing, there hasn’t been an effective policy response either in the US or the UK.

    The neo-liberal response of ‘let them make their own way’ hasn’t worked.

    There’s also the increasingly unequal distribution of the spoils of economic success.

    Trump’s solution is a programme of public infrastructure building, and tax cuts which will keep the Republican Congress on side. So the spending taps will open. The infrastructure spending will stimulate the economy broadly, but leaves the underlying issues of technological change and income distribution unaddressed.

    If he succeeds, expect inflation to rise, the Fed to raise interest rates to compensate and Trump to attempt to loosen the Fed’s grip by appointing dovish board members and Chair.

    Still, unless he provokes another global financial crisis by blocking trade, or causes a geopolitical upset, it should be enough to secure a second term.

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    Free Member

    Interesting AMA on Reddit:

    We are the WikiLeaks staff. Despite our editor Julian Assange’s increasingly precarious situation WikiLeaks continues publishing from IAmA

    “A mouthpiece of the Russian government has intervened in the American election to help sway the outcome towards their preferred candidate and the Republicans could not be happier about it.
    So many words I never thought I’d say.”

    Full Member

    That won’t offset putting creationist whacko Carson in as secretary of education.

    Interesting comments from Trumps security advisor, he and republicans are looking at a big increase in military budget, which they feel Obama has neglected

    Free Member
    Full Member

    Love that Grahamh and completely agree, interview with former employee reckoned he hated working more than 2 days in a row…. This is going to be painful for him

    The downside is that America just elected Mike Pence to the presidency
    This guy agrees with me but for different reasons


    Full Member

    Meh. Personally I just think that’s Trump’s attempt to look serious and statesman like.

    He may well be a little nervous too, but to be honest I’d be more worried if he wasn’t!

    Free Member

    interview with former employee reckoned he hated working more than 2 days in a row…. This is going to be painful for him

    Well, if Obama has racked up over 300 rounds of golf then perhaps there’s some room to delegate after all?

    Full Member

    Be interesting to see how Trump handles his first law suit,

    The judge has advised him to just pay it off, he wants to defer until after he’s prez, hoping that by then he’ll be untouchable?

    Free Member

    Ooooooo 300 rounds of golf in 8 years. Wow! Thats a whole round of golf (4-5 hours? So not even a whole day off) every 9-10 days. The man must be impeached immediately.

    Full Member

    Must be a little embarrassing for DT to be relying on Obama to call for calm as a result of anti-DT protests.

    Over 50% of those who voted democrat or republican didn’t want you Donnie boy. Best get used to it.

    Free Member

    We’ve gone from “Trump will nuke China” to “Trump won’t do enough” in 48 hours. At this rate of improvement he’s going to be curing cancer by next week and he hasn’t even started. #bestpresidentever

    Full Member

    igm – Member
    Must be a little embarrassing for DT to be relying on Obama to call for calm

    Trump’s ‘its not fair’ tweet was fairly hilarious, after all the birther conspiracy crap he pulled he just looked embarrassed sitting with Obama.

    Full Member

    how about putting 3 of his children at key posts ?

    is that democracy ?

    Free Member

    Do you lot think Trump won with a narrow margin?

    Full Member

    cchris2lou – Member
    how about putting 3 of his children at key posts

    As pointed out on hignfy

    It’s going to be hilarious

    Full Member

    hilarious is one way to put it .

    First police shooting of a black person will be a coming back to earth moment for America .

    Free Member

    Over 50% of those who voted democrat or republican didn’t want you Donnie boy. Best get used to it.

    I’m sure he’s crying into his cornflakes over that 🙄

    Just imagine –

    DT: “I may have won the election and am now the next president of the United States, but I wish I had won an extra percent of the vote, just for my own vanity”

    multilingual, ex-sports illustrated bikini model wife who is twenty odd years younger than him: “there there dear, I’m sure you’ll feel better about it when your dedicated secret service close protection team have had air-force one resprayed gold as you asked, now, would you like another cup of coffee in one of your Diamond encrusted coffee mugs?

    Full Member

    . cchris2lou – Member
    hilarious is one way to put it .
    First police shooting of a black person will be a coming back to earth moment for America .

    Watching the political fallout will be amusing- Christie has already been demoted allegedly coz he prosecuted the father of trumps son in law,
    His inexperience means he will have to rely heavy on the republicans to tell him who to appoint to his staff for much of the work, his promise as the anti-establishment prez, ringing pretty hollow straight away I suspect

    I do worry that socially it’s going to be nasty, one Brexit nut made? a gun in the UK and killed Joe cox, **** knows what could happen in a country so chock full of firepower. The well publicised KKK Trump victory rally in Carolina this weekend, is bound to attract trouble.

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