depending on which way you turn the handle in the first place. Just because it’s got an arrow on it doesn’t mean I have to conform to your rules.
(this answer was basically the same answer given to us on a graduate teambuilding management residential course I went on a few years back. In that case it was build a bridge out of barrels and planks over a ‘river’, except there weren’t enough pieces to do it. There were another load of planks for another task nearby that we were told we couldn’t use, but apparently we should have used them anyway because that would demonstrate ‘out of the box thinking, a willingness to challenge the rules, and “easier to gain forgiveness than permission”. Great message for a group of folks in a heavily regulated part of the chemical industry, and not one the FDA or HSE particularly subscribe to!. I was sorely tempted to ask if his ‘rules’ allowed me to punch him in the middle of his stupid HR face)