90mm on the switchback
used to run 80mm on the trailstar, tried a 45mm but just couldn't ride it, the front wheel just didn't feel like it was under any control
The bmx has a long (for a BMX) stem, but then its got a 21.75TT, so a short stem would make it feel very odd indeed.
Got to agree with the general "its the magazines fault" consensus though. Dirt is becomeing the new MBR=Much Better with Raisers in its insistance that all 120mm travel bikes are in fact lightweight DH bikes when you buy a size too big, give them 50% sag, and a short stem with wide bars. True as that may be I'd rather they found 30-33lb 120mm bikes with the right angles to start with and tested those, its got to be better long term than riding a whyte e-120, orange st4 etc on the bump stop?