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  • Do you flash other drivers when you see a speed camera van?
  • aa
    Free Member

    when I know there’s a camera ahead and there’s a chavved up hatchback behind…i make sure I slow down in plenty of time to let the chav floor it as he overtakes me.

    It’s kind of a public service

    +1. Me too 😆

    Free Member

    Rusty Spanner – Member
    More traffic police, fewer cameras please


    Free Member

    Do speed camera vans really reduce accidents? Personally I don’t think so.
    You can go on blind supposition according to how you feel about them or you can go on statistics. Stats say “Yes”.

    Couldn’t agree more. The “well that camera near me..” argument is laughable. Taking a single camera based on a subjective impression is a waste of time. Statistics and common sense prevail.

    Free Member

    Never flash, people that break the speed limit get what they deserve.

    Free Member

    I like to flash the lights at folk who are driving too fast even when there isnt a van there. Just to mess with their heads.

    Free Member

    No. Except that I drive very rarely so don’t get the chance to not flash people. Anyway, sooner they get done the better.

    Free Member

    But people see them slow down and then return to normal service straight after. That is a fact because you see it all the time! Yes the road today has had it’s fatalities in the past and still has them now, but the area where the van was is hardly a notorious stretch. A straight road in a 50 limit!

    Free Member

    Usually flash if it’s a bobby hiding in a driveway, don’t when it’s a fixed camera. I like to ‘make progress’ from time to time, but tend to observe 30s and 40s limits as they’re usually there for good reason.

    Full Member

    i never flash, people shouldnt be speeding.
    dont agree with camera vans especially, as people just slow down . . . . . then speed up again.
    would prefer to see more coppers doing something about the, frankly, AMAZING number of drivers going around with a phone welded to the side of their head.

    Free Member

    I’ve flashed other drivers several times, but it can be tricky getting your trousers down when you’re doing 90 on the motorway. I find it helps if my mum holds the wheel then I can use both hands.

    Free Member

    It’s easier if you make sure your always naked when your driving. It’s optional for yer mum!

    Free Member

    Stats say “Yes” reversion to the mean.


    Full Member

    Problem with speed cameras is, they specifically target one small aspect of (?) bad driving whilst many more dangerous but not so easy to automate the penalising of bad driving habits get ignored, and as a result passively tolerated.

    No substitute for good, observant and fair traffic coppers, which have steadily decreased in numbers since the advent of cameras, I believe.

    And whilst not condoning speeding, it’s not the real problem. The real problem is POOR DRIVING. Whether that be inappropriate speed for the situation, poor observation, lack of understanding of the rules of the road, or just not taking the responsibility of controlling a four wheeled guided missile in a public environment seriously enough. It’s very possible to exceed speed limits responsibly and appropriately, (i do it all the time) just as it is very easy to drive exceedingly poorly and dangerously whilst not exceeding the speed limit.

    All of the above in my opinion, obviously. Yes, I flash.

    Free Member

    What do you mean aracer?

    Full Member

    Or, Stats say; whatever the author of the press release wishes them to say…

    Free Member

    I see the thread is headed pretty much where I guessed it might.

    Free Member

    why flash motorists speeding who may kill your kids if not caught.

    Project – the more of your posts I read the more I suspect you may be my mother in law. She’s one of the ‘worst possible case scenario’ types too 😉

    Free Member

    Poor driving!! Yup thats the problem! Just like the little scrote in his fiesta tonight who turned right in front of me way too fast, up the hill to the t junction and then could not master a single bit of clutch control and preceded to roll backwards twice and stall! 🙄

    Full Member

    It means that if a statistically unusual event happens, (say a fatal crash on a straight piece of road) then it will drag the statistical mean way up, and then when measuring whether an intervention has had an effect (say, a speed camera being erected near the site) then its hardly surprising that there are statistically less unusual events on that spot, because they are unusual events. I think.

    Free Member

    yes always its the done thing in my job (service engineer)and i flash whoever i see coming

    Free Member
    Free Member

    Thanks, yeah. 🙄

    EDIT: So how many KSIs have to happen in a particular spot before a speed camera can be installed (or a mobile camera patrols it regularly)? A bit of googling suggests four, and that this rule was introduced in 2002.

    Full Member

    I see the thread is headed pretty much where I guessed it might.

    What, a meeting of people with different but valid opinions who try share and explain why they hold them in an intelligent and polite manner? I certainly hope so…

    Free Member

    What, a meeting of people with different but valid opinions who try share and explain why they hold them in an intelligent and polite manner? I certainly hope so…

    Yeah, me too.

    Free Member

    EDIT: So how many KSIs have to happen in a particular spot before a speed camera can be installed (or a mobile camera patrols it regularly)? A bit of googling suggests four, and that this rule was introduced in 2002.

    The rules have changed on this I think (so you can now put one where you want), but that surely proves my point? Though IIRC it was possible to put a camera on a 70 limit bypass because of accidents in the nearby urban 30 limit the bypass was bypassing.

    Full Member

    Ah, KSIs. Killed OR seriously injured. I’ve attended a few of those that have been used to justify speed camera placement in my home town. Firstly, seriously injured? My arse. Precautionary trip to hospital usually. Secondly, very rarely is simple speeding a relevant factor anyway, and certainly wasn’t in the incidents that I am recalling. Poor observation, failure to give way, didn’t see a red light… But yeah sod it, let’s have a speed camera, that’ll sort it!

    Free Member

    I speed and I flash.

    Not in 30’s though, and never outside schools.

    Full Member

    I never flash people – I’d rather they got the ticket than me end up on the sex offenders register. Less of two evils really.

    edit: Especially outside schools

    Free Member

    The rules have changed on this I think (so you can now put one where you want), but that surely proves my point?

    Oh right…I thought the rules changed in 2002 from the “you can put one where you want” to the “has to be 4 KSIs before installing a speed camera”. I’m not sure now. 😕

    At the last, ahem, Speed Awareness Course I was at (I ended up in thew wrong room at a training day, don’t you know…thought I’d stay and listen 🙂 ), they said that the rules were that there had to be a certain number of KSIs before cameras were installed in a spot. Of course KSIs are random by their nature, so whether 4 is a “statistic” is down to what? Personal judgment? Someone draws a line in the sand?

    Tbh, there’s quite a bit of spurious shite on the net, given that it’s a bit of a red-rag subject. So I can’t dig out the rules…even Avon & Somerset’s safecam site doesn’t give them.

    Full Member

    yep every time

    Full Member

    Poor observation, failure to give way, didn’t see a red light…

    Well, speed cameras catch people who have poor observation and didn’t see a speed camera sign (or a speed limit sign), so they arguably work on two out of three of those factors 🙂

    I like ’em. Couldn’t care less even if they were just for revenue and had no direct and significant statistical effect on blackspots. They catch people who are driving above the speed limit and can’t observe signs around them, or who are driving so fast that they can’t slow down even to the speed limit as they come round a corner and see a copper with a hairdryer or a massive fluorescent van. Can’t see a problem there.

    And no, I don’t flash, but you’d guessed.

    Free Member

    I speed flash. You have to be going real slow to see it.

    Free Member

    very rarely is simple speeding a relevant factor anyway

    Damn me for getting drawn in, but if someone’s careless, then they’re careless – how the bejeesus are you going to change that without retesting every six months. So, I hope the careless eejit that crashes into me is driving under the line in the sand that society has chosen. The worrying thing about careless drivers is that by their very nature, they don’t realise they’re careless so we have to have limits to reduce the damage done when careless drivers carelessly crash into careful drivers, or indeed, careful pedestrians or cyclists. How do you propose that we improve the carefulness of careless drivers, given that there is neither the political will, money or, I’d hazard, the public will, to have shedloads of coppers driving around nicking people for careless driving? How long before someone else starts shouting “Why aren’t you out catching real criminals instead?”

    didn’t see a red light

    How do you feel about red-light cameras? Some of them will check your speed too. 🙂

    Full Member

    Well, speed cameras catch people who have poor observation and didn’t see a speed camera sign (or a speed limit sign), so they arguably work on two out of three of those factors

    fair point, but do they actually change that undesirable behaviour? Or does it just teach them to slow for cameras and carry on driving poorly? A cultural shift towards ride in ones standard of driving is what is needed.

    Free Member

    A cultural shift towards ride in ones standard of driving is what is needed.

    And how do you propose we do this? (I assume you mean “rise” and not “ride”)

    Free Member

    Yeah i flash mainly at other vans but that s just a brotherhood thing. I need to ask this for all the people saying they never do flash and i hope they all get caught. Do you never ever ever speed or maybe chance a red light or answer a quick call or even nip down the shop without a seatbelt. Maybe you are all saints but i doubt it

    Free Member

    pottsathome you’re wasting your breath. The high horsers will be round a thread like this like flies round shite.

    Free Member

    maccruiskeen you sod. I read the whole thread to check no one else had made a joke about the sex offenders register, and there you go, just 10 from the end 🙂

    Full Member

    And how do you propose we do this?

    I’d make the penalties hurt – fines are seen as tax (on the very few stupid enough to get caught – the vast majority have never incurred a fine so its a pretty narrowly targeted tax) and points are no embarrassment.

    When I’m king points will equal bans, all be it short ones. one week per point. if you incur 3 points and still have 3 points ‘unspent’ then thats 6 weeks. I’d rather getting caught left you embarrassed and inconvenienced than self righteously indignant.

    And if that doesn’t work I’ll replace the cameras with laser guided missiles. Be warned, I’m don’t plan to be a benevolent dictator.

    Full Member

    maccruiskeen you sod. I read the whole thread to check no one else had made a joke about the sex offenders register, and there you go, just 10 from the end

    it was an open goal

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