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  • Do you believe on god?
  • v8ninety
    Full Member

    You are wrong in my humble opinion but why are you afraid?

    Fixed it again, you really must be more careful with it! (whether you like it or not, it is your opinion, and not a fact, kid) 😆

    And stop rubbishing people while you’re at it, play nice. You seem to be the rudest person in the playground tonight.

    Anyway, it’s time to go to bed, work on the morning. I’m quitting while I’m quite obviously ahead. Goodnight! Xxx

    Free Member

    Erm, is it not Judaism as well?

    Judaism is quite confuddling to me, although the Ten commandments are part of Jewish doctrine I understand, yes.

    Notice how I also said possibly?

    Cop out. Do you actually know owt about religions other than the ones popular in’t West?

    TJ; shut up you totalitarian. Remind me not to respect any of your views on tolerance on here any more.

    And you need to do a bit more research into Famous Posts I’ve made too.

    Free Member

    It’ll be the gulags for you young elf…….

    Free Member

    Fixed it again

    No, you’ve bin silly and broken it once more.

    You are wrong, but why are you afraid?

    There you go.

    And you still jolly well have not answered why you’re afraid. Of the Rapture, perhaps? Judgement Day?

    I’m quitting while I’m quite obviously wrong and cannot ever be right.

    FTFY. 8)

    Free Member

    Don’t understand what you mean by cop out, it was just you misreading what I said.

    Free Member

    Don’t understand

    I know, it’s quite obvious really. 😐

    Free Member

    Like a god with a bone!

    Free Member

    bullies normally target the different kids, don’t they?

    Are you suggesting that the answer to bullying is for the victims to try harder to fit in?

    Free Member

    tyredbiker – Member

    Good morning! Chewkw, Ive never really thought about there being multiple gods no but I wouldn’t argue against anyone believing as such. I have been taught about other religions including religions where deities create the universe/world ‘accidentally’ (I’m a young’un so relatively recently too), but not immersed myself in them and consequently my use of vocabulary reflects such. I would be open to learn more.

    I believe in the notion of multiple gods. I oppose the notion of “creator god” because that is simply not plausible because the reasoning they provide are not possible. Many simply accept what has been taught to them or just do as told. This is not the way to understand nor the way to progress.

    As for the lesson that you were taught about “where deities create the universe/world ‘accidentally'” that explanation is also wrong because it implies that deities can create universe/word. They cannot as simple as that. Perhaps a better explanation would be the coincidental appearance of a “universe/word” system when the deity (the first one) appeared at that moment mistakenly thought that he had created the world. Hence, cherished in the thought that he was the creator. This deity later found* that it was Wrong View and that there were other explanations beyond his understanding at time.

    *someone explained to him and he is not creator god. 😀

    Maybe. But if a belief can give someone comfort when in time of need, who am I (or anybody) to take it away?

    Yes, that’s precisely what one can do to help oneself. i.e. dependent on self. The journey is our own and the path is ours. Even deities once walked the path themselves like we do to become who they are now …

    I can’t remember whether I believed in an ‘afterlife’ before, but since my boyfriend died I hope more than anything, that I will see him again. Whether you deem it a misguided hope, clutching at a security blanket or nonsense, it’s mine and it helps me get through the day, because otherwise I would have given up a long time ago.

    The choice is yours. i.e. you either consider afterlife or simply turning into carbon/fertiliser at the end of this life. I believe in life beyond my present life but I do not believe in ‘reincarnation’ (<- Wrong View). The term ‘reincarnation’ means I can carry on my present memory into my future life which again is considered as Wrong View. As for turning into carbon that’s inevitable as we have limited lifespan and our body can only sustain us for so long. As for seeing your boyfriend again that depends on your past and present lives but the future is just a probability.

    Nothing misguided there for holding strong to get yourself over an event. Even asking deities/gods (not the creator god) for help is fine and regardless of the deities/gods – all denominations as they will normally take pity on us.

    One thing that is certain is that we have to walk our own path and that whatever we do we are accountable and NO deities/gods can change that. Especially NOT creator god. Walk the wrong path and you suffer for it and walk the right path you lessen your suffering. Yes, lessen your suffering as even being deities/gods are not spared the suffering as their lives are not permanent and that one day they too will die and start again … until such time as they find the way out. No, they don’t change into or promoted to become a creator god.


    Free Member

    Mrs Toast – Member

    No, I don’t believe. But if I did, I’d rather worship the Norse, Egyptian or Greek pantheons. There’s a bit more variety, less women-hating and just as believable.

    There are more variety than the ones you have listed and you can call them deities too or gods. They are all there to assure us.


    Free Member

    Someone mentioned the “devil” …

    Three ways of interpretation:

    1. There is actually a real devil. i.e. the common understanding of satan.

    2. It’s a matter of mind.

    3. A bit of both above.

    One of the explanation is that he is NOT a fallen angel nor does he reside in hell. He is in fact a very high level angel, higher than many deities, who become attach to Wrong Views and started to abuse his position.

    Yes, he tends to mess about etc but eventually he will meet the real hell (some say it’s a state of mind) and suffer for it.


    Free Member

    Someone mentioned the “devil” …

    Four ways of interpretation:

    1. There is actually a real devil. i.e. the common understanding of satan.

    2. It’s a matter of mind.

    3. A bit of both above.

    4. It’s made up to scare people into doing what others want them to do.

    That’s better.

    Free Member

    tree-magnet – Member

    4. It’s made up to scare people into doing what others want them to do.

    That’s better.

    But are you being scared?

    Aren’t you scare of your own mind?


    Free Member

    Not really. It’s the same as saying the bogeyman lives under your bed and will eat your foot if you put it out of the duvet. I believed it as a child, but that doesn’t mean it exists.

    Free Member

    tree-magnet – Member

    Not really. It’s the same as saying the bogeyman lives under your bed and will eat your foot if you put it out of the duvet. I believed it as a child, but that doesn’t mean it exists.

    LOL! My little nephew once said to my mum “why is that man with red eyes staring at me?” Mum checked but nobody there … 😯

    Free Member

    One thing that is certain is that we have to walk our own path and that whatever we do we are accountable and NO deities/gods can change that. Especially NOT creator god. Walk the wrong path and you suffer for it and walk the right path you lessen your suffering. Yes, lessen your suffering as even being deities/gods are not spared the suffering as their lives are not permanent and that one day they too will die and start again … until such time as they find the way out. No, they don’t change into or promoted to become a creator god.

    Obviously this is just your opinion, however you seem to have presented it as some kind of ‘truth’

    Full Member

    I think chew is still playing this.

    Free Member

    i’ve given up believing in anything, everything is a figment of my warped imagination. Now where are my pills 8)

    Free Member

    “Atheism is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of God”

    (Tom Stoppard)

    Free Member

    “God is a crutch for those who cannot bear the reality of atheism”

    Free Member

    One of the explanation is that he is NOT a fallen angel nor does he reside in hell. He is in fact a very high level angel, higher than many deities, who become attach to Wrong Views and started to abuse his position.

    In the Hebrew bible ‘The Satan’ was sent, by God, to test man’s faith. If they failed the loving God would punish them.

    Free Member

    Here’s 10 Minutes for you all to sit down and listen to on friday

    John Gray argues that the scientific and rationalist attack on religion is misguided. Extreme atheists do not realise that for most people across the globe, religion is not generally about personal belief. Instead, “Practice – ritual, meditation, a way of life – is what counts.” Central to religion is the power of myth, which still speaks to the contemporary mind. “The idea that science can enable us to live without myths is one of these silly modern stories.” In fact, he argues, science has created its own myth, “chief among them the myth of salvation through science….The idea that humans will rise from the dead may be incredible” he says, “but no more so than the notion that humanity can use science to remake the world”

    Sounds pretty much spot on to me.

    Free Member

    In the Hebrew bible ‘The Satan’ was sent, by God, to test man’s faith. If they failed the loving God would punish them.

    Deservedly so.

    Do I believe in god? Hell No!

    Haven’t believed since I was a child, despite a fairly strict catholic upbringing. Convent school education (raised by nuns a la Tarzan), mass once a week, the works. Heck, I was even an alter boy for a short stint before getting the heave-ho for taking the piss with the bell ringing and blowing out thecandles mid-mass 😆

    Man created god(s).

    Free Member

    Extreme atheists do not realise that for most people across the globe….

    Again with the numpty definition of atheists, what’s an extreme atheist? Is it someone who really really doesn’t believe?

    Theists are desperate to ascribe properties or gaps in knowledge or attitudes to atheists because their arguments are intellectually bankrupt.

    Free Member

    To be fair that was written by someone at the beeb, Gray’s work mostly criticizes humanism rather than atheists as a whole.

    Free Member

    Euro – Member

    “In the Hebrew bible ‘The Satan’ was sent, by God, to test man’s faith. If they failed the loving God would punish them.”

    Deservedly so.

    Surely that’s entrapment?

    Free Member

    I don’t believe in God. And some of the Science stuff doesn’t make sense to me either. So, i’ll just wander along and get on with my life, and maybe one day, I’ll find out what the craic is with it all!. In the mean time, there’s much more important things to be worrying about.

    Free Member

    Again with the numpty definition of atheists, what’s an extreme atheist? Is it someone who really really doesn’t believe?

    Theists are desperate to ascribe properties or gaps in knowledge or attitudes to atheists because their arguments are intellectually bankrupt.

    I suggest you might want to read up on John Gray before ascribing the terms numpty or theist in relation to him 🙂

    Full Member

    Surely that’s entrapment?

    No, Sean Connery was in that and that Welsh bird. Don’t remember seeing God.

    Free Member


    I’m not the only person to think he’s a numpty.

    Full Member

    Gray dismisses rationism and promotes the substitution of one dangerous myth with another.

    Theists are desperate to ascribe properties or gaps in knowledge or attitudes to atheists because their arguments are intellectually bankrupt.

    Spot on.

    See also Elf and hilldogers attempts at simultaneous cake retention/digestion.

    Free Member

    @ Crikey, great link thanks for sharing, especially liked this:

    As to the weary old canard about the 20th-century totalitarianisms: it astonishes me how those who should know better can fail to see them as quintessentially counter-Enlightenment projects, and ones which the rest of the Enlightenment-derived world would not put up with and therefore defeated: Nazism in 17 years and Soviet communism in 70. They were counter-Enlightenment projects because they rejected the idea of pluralism and its concomitant liberties of thought and the person, and in the time-honoured unEnlightened way forcibly demanded submission to a monolithic ideal. They even used the forms and techniques of religion, from the notion of thought-crime to the embalming of saints in mausoleums (Lenin and Mao, like any number of saints and their relics, invite pilgrimage to their glass cases). Totalitarianism is not about progress but stasis; it is not about realising a golden age but coercively sustaining the myth of one. This indeed is the lineament of religion: it is the opposite of secular progressivism.

    Free Member

    Wow – quite some debate. Given that these questions have been asked for 1000s of years it is hardly surprising that STW can make 8 pages. But sad to see insults flying around. Faith by definition is a personal thing and I am not sure there is a place for dogma on either side.

    I like Bertrand Russell’s personal conclusions on this on-going debate:

    “Science tells us what we can know, but what we can know is little, and if we forget how much we cannot know we become insensitive to many things of great importance…

    …Theology, on the other hand, induces a dogmatic belief that we have knowledge where in fact we have ignorance, and by doing so generates a kind of impertinent insolence towards the universe…

    …Almost all the questions of most interest to speculative minds are such that science cannot answer, and the confident answers of the theologians no longer seem so convincing as they did in former centuries.”

    We therefore live in no-man’s land between the claims of definite knowledge of the scientists and the dogma of the theologians – welcome, in Russell’s mind, to the world of philosophy!!

    Free Member

    Faith by definition is a personal thing

    Not in the world we live in.

    Free Member

    Explain Lifer?

    My comment was meant to mean that because it is a personal thing (either way), we should be tolerant to each other’s views on the matter. I appreciate that this idea is not always shared on both sides of the argument. Is this what you mean?

    Free Member

    Explain Lifer?

    Free Member

    Free Member

    But sad to see insults flying around

    unless they are directed at Elfin, obviously…

    Free Member

    The universe is such an amazing, astounding, fantastic, scary, brilliant thing already. There isn’t any need to bring in any sky fairies into it. Enjoy it as it is. Oh, and go out on your bike more.

    Or the FSM will *not* touch you with his noodly appendage.

    Free Member

    Man created god(s).

    But only after God created man first.

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