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  • Disposing of personal documents
  • mikey74
    Free Member

    I have loads of papers that will take far too long to shred, and will probably kill my shredder. Any suggestions?

    I might just get a garden incinerator and burn them.

    Free Member

    Nothing says “Dodgy” quite like a man stood in his back garden burning official looking documents in brazier. 😉

    Free Member

    Eat them?

    There’s been a thread on here exactly the same before I think, worth a search.

    Free Member

    I heard you had to destroy them with a sledge hammer?

    (& LOL @ mW 😉 )

    Free Member

    Hahaha very true muppet

    Free Member

    I usually barbeque mine.

    Free Member

    Put them in a bag with a dog poo, ensuring nobody will open it.

    (Courtesy of the Viz)

    Full Member

    Chuck them in a bin in Parliament Square. That’s how MP’s get rid of stuff.

    Free Member

    RealMan – Member
    Eat them?

    There’s been a thread on here exactly the same before I think, worth a search.

    You would need the services of Monsieur Mange Tout to help you out there!

    Free Member

    kill them with water

    Free Member

    Kill with fire. How I do it.

    Free Member

    Soak in water and compress into briquettes, allow to dry then toast your tootsies on the resulting warm fire.

    Free Member

    mikey74 – Member
    I have loads of papers that will take far too long to shred, and will probably kill my shredder. Any suggestions?

    I might just get a garden incinerator and burn them.

    Obviously burn them
    what came first the Chicken or the Brain

    Free Member

    Obviously burn them what came first the Chicken or the Brain

    FFS and there was me thinking that this was a forum, a place where a free exchange of ideas is welcomed and people can dip their toes in a deep pool of knowledge and experience. Obviously not.

    A) I do not currently have the facility to burn the documents, and therefore I will need to buy said incinerator.
    B) There are companies who do shredding of sensitive materials, but I suspect that this is only economic with high volumes of material. However, it does suggest that there may be other options.
    C) Once I have got rid of the backlog I have at the moment, I can go back to using my shredder, and therefore this will essentially be a one-off exercise.

    I didn’t realise that this was such an unreasonable query that it only warrants sarcastic and rude responses.

    Free Member

    One of the few advantages of being a pasty-faced cubicle-dwelling desk jockey is that there are shredding bins at work for dumping all your crap in.

    Free Member

    What about a splendid papier mache sculpture?

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