WTF!?! I just tried to renew and it said I had no insurance?!?
I called my insurer who just informed me that “we appear to have cancelled your policy in error”
WAHT?!! FHE?!?! TUCK?!?!
and then had the gall to ask “would you like us to quote you for a new policy?” TAHW!?! EHT KCUF?!?!
I’m aghast!! I’ve been driving for the past two weeks with no insurance?!? what if I’d been pulled over?? what if I’d not had to renew my tax?!?!
hmmm. not impressed, so after a boring two hours trawling the interwebs and filling out some of the longest forms I’ve ever I’m now insured with direct line, £300.00 a year fully comp for a car worth only marginally more than that!!
now I need to wait for the insurance details to be sent to the DVLA before I can tax the bloody thing online or the documents arrive so I can do it at the post office!!!
oh well, I guess it means I get to use the bike more!! 😆