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  • Displaying a valid tax disk?
  • MrNutt
    Free Member

    ok so I’ve just renewed my tax disk online after discovering it runs out tomorrow, anyone know the deal with driving it in the time between the disk arriving and the old one expiring? I know they can crush your car for not having tax, but I’ll have tax, right??

    Free Member

    You got an email confirmation & a ref number

    Also – most tax dodgers are caught by machine not a plod eyeballing discs so yours should come up as paid

    Free Member

    Provided you have renewed you will be fine provided its the plod that stop you – they will to DVLA where the database will show you have renewed.

    If its Wardens then you might get a ticket – but you can prove later that you have paid.

    Free Member

    I had a flyer from DVLA through the door at xmas saying you have 4 or 5 days grace to display the new disc, something to that effect.

    Free Member

    They give you five days grace…

    Full Member

    stick your email confirmation in the window

    Free Member

    Stick it in the window, the offence is not displaying, if you have a valid one in your glove box you are still commiting an offence because its not on display IIRC.

    Free Member

    failure to display, (up to) £200 fine. I was shitting myself for the last week as we picked up a new van, been taxed by the dealer ages ago but they never sent the disc with the van.

    Free Member

    I was shitting myself for the last week

    ffs you guys, driving around without a valid tax disc on display is one of the things which makes driving less boring, more interesting, and more challenging.

    What chances have the Old Bill got of pulling you up if don’t give them any challenges ?

    Free Member

    Automatic fine for not displaying tax disc even if you have one in date.
    Parking wardens can also report you for it.


    Free Member

    WHICH IS IT?!??!!?

    Free Member

    you’re doomed.

    Free Member

    Had a post card from the DVLA this morning and this is the first paragraph

    “From 1 September 2008, if you pay for your vehicle tax by phone or online before the current tax disc runs out, then you can legally drive or keep your vehicle on the road whilst displaying the tax disc that has run out, for up to five days. (Giving time for your new tax disc to arrive by 1st class post).

    Hope this clears things up and I will be keeping this card in a safe place till my new disc turns up

    Free Member

    splendid news!! 🙂

    Full Member

    I told you!

    Why do you mock me so….?


    Free Member

    how else am I supposed to enjoy myself now?

    Full Member

    I was hearten to see several clamped cars down my mums street today – no valid tax……

    Free Member
    Free Member

    WTF!?! I just tried to renew and it said I had no insurance?!?

    I called my insurer who just informed me that “we appear to have cancelled your policy in error”

    WAHT?!! FHE?!?! TUCK?!?!

    and then had the gall to ask “would you like us to quote you for a new policy?” TAHW!?! EHT KCUF?!?!

    I’m aghast!! I’ve been driving for the past two weeks with no insurance?!? what if I’d been pulled over?? what if I’d not had to renew my tax?!?!

    hmmm. not impressed, so after a boring two hours trawling the interwebs and filling out some of the longest forms I’ve ever I’m now insured with direct line, £300.00 a year fully comp for a car worth only marginally more than that!!

    now I need to wait for the insurance details to be sent to the DVLA before I can tax the bloody thing online or the documents arrive so I can do it at the post office!!!


    oh well, I guess it means I get to use the bike more!! 😆

    Free Member

    “we appear to have cancelled your policy in error”

    Not entirely 100%, but I think that means, as it’s their error, that had you been in a situation where you needed to claim, they would have to pay out, with no cost or penalty to you. If you reasonably believed that you were insured, then you would not have been prosecuted. Your insurer would have been in deep sh1t, though, probbly.


    Don’t Nationwide do car insurance?

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