Spend the most with dirt – get the products included: Simple!
Am unconvinced tbh. I’ve been dubious about Dirt- the way they went gung-ho for the Cane Creek Angleset while ignoring the Works Components kit frinstance (they did a 2-page spread on how the as-yet-unlaunched standard steerer one would save bikes from the bin and change the world, when Works were already selling one, for half the price). And the website coverage of Superstar stuff reads like Fruit wrote it.
But last year’s 100, I don’t remember seeing much Intense or Mondraker advertising in the mag, or Morewood, or Devinci or Labyrinth. Stanton have had a few but the Slackline was in last year and I don’t remember them advertising before that. The suspension companies have pretty even coverage despite it being the year of Fox sucking. Sure there’s a Reverb but also a KS- exactly what you’d expect really.
(all discounting response-ads in the 100 mag)