Home Forums Bike Forum Difference between Reba SL and Reba race (09)

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  • Difference between Reba SL and Reba race (09)
  • daveb
    Free Member

    I am going to buy some new forks and am not sure the difference between the RS Reba SL and RS Reba Race (apart from £25). I had a look at the descriptions on Merlin and they seem pretty similar.

    Any reasons to spend the extra £25 for the Race forks?


    Full Member

    A bit of weight I think (That’s what it used to be), is all. It’s a 100g or so IIRC, depends on how important that is to you I guess. Although, I’d not say the Reba’s a particularly heafty forks any how.

    Free Member

    external or internal floodgate adjustment. weight is the same. all listed on the RS website )

    Free Member

    The only difference used to be external floodgate adjust in previous years. So it depends on how much hassle turning a knob with a wee allen key is compared to using a little dial, if the recent models are the same. The allen key is built into the rebound adjuster too, if you need it.

    Free Member

    I will just go for the SL, I normally set the floodgate and just leave it so no big deal there. Many thanks

    Free Member

    From the website it appears to be just External Floodgate (race) vs Internal Floodgate (SL), weight is the same I think…

    Edit: beaten to it…

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