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  • Development of the site
  • aracer
    Free Member

    so i could catch up on threads id posted on.

    As you can by clicking on your user name at the top of the page.

    Full Member

    sadexpunk: some of that is there already, just in a different form.

    hyperlinks to ‘my classifieds’, ‘my chat forum’ etc etc

    Just go to you profile page and you can see every thread you have replied to and whether it has been replied to since.

    maybe a way of tagging threads you want to keep an eye on?

    Every thread has an "RSS feed for this topic" so you can subscribe to individual threads.

    the way the threads are listed, so the threads stay where they were. or at least the option to choose how to display threads again. thats my main problem with it at the mo. i much prefer the way i used to be able to have it

    I’m quite surprised at this. I thought nearly everyone has "Sort By Last Post" set on the old forum, which is the same as how it lists them now.

    Sorting by when the post was first made means you miss the interesting threads that last multiple days and get 100+ posts. And you don’t notice when someone finally gives a reply to a thread from last week.

    Full Member

    whoops looks like ive not been concentrating properly 🙂

    thanks for pointing those out chaps.

    graham, i thought it was the other way round, and only a few had it set to sort by last post 🙂

    personally, i far prefer the threads staying in the order they were posted. mebbes just me tho. be nice for the option anyways 🙂

    Free Member

    Would be an "interesting" exercise to see if you could determine who had it set for which option. I’d imagine the "latest topic" people would only post near the start of threads, and not be contributing much later on in the threads which lasted days. Would be far more likely though to post the first reply to an oldish topic…

    Free Member

    Having it show freshest threads at the top seems to have cut down on the multiple threads on the same topic and allowed several threads to get lots of replies over a fairly long period of time. Makes the forum much easier to use, I think.

    Full Member

    Some of us browse on here who can’t right-click, so opening a new window is very useful. The reason being I don’t have a mouse on this thing, and I can’t be arsed to dig the laptop out. Otherwise I’m loving the site as it is, and I’m full of respect for all of you who’ve got it back up and running so quickly. Well done.

    Free Member

    in terms of the old data, rather than just having it merged into this one, why not simply have it as a read-only seperate database altogether. That way you can still get to the old information, but you’re not worrying about merging it all in seamlessly.

    Apply a fierce limit on how many can query it at anytime, and a short autologout. If there is too many users, then just tell em to come back later.

    Free Member

    Some of us browse on here who can’t right-click, so opening a new window is very useful. The reason being I don’t have a mouse on this thing, and I can’t be arsed to dig the laptop out.

    Well, I can’t be arsed with loads of windows and tabs open, so who wins? 😉

    Free Member

    We don’t seem to be able to delete our own tages from threads anymore. Is that deliberate or an accident?

    Full Member

    Some of us browse on here who can’t right-click,

    Blimmin Mac users! 🙄

    Seriously, what are you browsing with CountZero?
    I visit here on my iPhone and I still wouldn’t want links opening in new windows.

    Full Member

    fisha – I think the biggest reason for the db merger was for SEO purposes – holdign it as a separate db etc is likely to mean the rankings are affected for the site as a whole – it’s already drifted down a bit on some google searches.

    no one who actually posts on here looks back more than 2 pages from the front for information anyway, they just post a new topic…

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