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  • Daydreaming about a lottery win…
  • Harry_the_Spider
    Full Member

    It’s a Euro-Squillions-Big-Mama-Pop-Shot-Payout™ this weekend and I have a 1% stake in the work’s syndicate which will net me about £800k. Obviously we are going to win so I will pay off the mortgage, set enough aside for an early retirement for me and t’missus and have a new shed complex built for the influx of new bikes. After that there will still be a fair amount left so it has got me thinking about a nice family car to replace The Mighty Vectra which is getting a bit tatty.

    I’d be tempted to go for a…

    A colleague has (wrongly) expressed a preference for one of these…

    What would the massive blow a reasonable sized wad on? It must be suitable for a family of four and all the crap that goes with one. Puke resistant seats, room for bikes (inside or on top) and not too big that I can’t get it on the drive without ****tting the gate post (despite it being painted white and covered in reflective tape) are also considerations.

    Your suggestions please.

    Full Member

    But you can’t win as well, as obviously I’m going to.

    I’m going to blow mine on renewing my season ticket. The only way I’ll be able to afford it…..

    Full Member

    Yep M5 Estate for the win, my lottery win would go on one of them as well

    EDIT, might need to check howmuch room there is in the boot of a Nissan GTR!

    Free Member

    For cars, I would buy a Prius and then take it to some customiser and have it tricked out with awesome stereo, sound insulation, plush interior and such. Then I would have it covered in solar panels and fit an exhaust turbine powered generator, electromagentic dampers and a turbine generator driven from the coolant.. and have the most awesome fuel economy ever!

    Free Member

    I only daydream about being an adequate photographer and getting off with gorgeous MTB women…

    Free Member

    A fully loaded one of these:

    Full Member

    I wonder if gorgeous MTB women dream about getting off with adequate photographers…

    I’d cummission the biggest Camelbak ever to annoy that chap on the other thread.

    Free Member

    the syndicate in work hate me, they all want to win millions each. where as i would only want to win about £300k, pay off debt, mortgage and have enough to retire early.

    they think im mad.

    i just wouldnt want to win 50million or what ever, it would wreck your life, where would you draw the line with friends etc.

    they should cap it so the max individual win is 1million, its stupid to have one person win all that 100 trillion cash!

    Full Member

    I wonder if gorgeous MTB women dream about getting off with adequate photographers…

    By his own admission he is still an inadequate photographer.

    Free Member

    HtS – just (very tastefully) spend a few quid on T.M.V.

    Free Member

    I am sure the millions of people around the world living in hunger and poverty will be keen to know what overblown penis extension you are planning on buying. 😕

    Lets hope you are daydreaming about giving the same amount or more to charity.

    Full Member

    I am sure the millions of people around the world living in hunger and poverty will be keen to know what overblown penis extension you are planning on buying.

    Lets hope you are daydreaming about giving the same amount or more to charity.

    Ahhh… a pompous sanctimonious a-hole. The very reason why I stayed away from this place for a few weeks.

    See you again in November.

    Free Member

    LHS – Member

    I am sure the millions of people around the world living in hunger and poverty will be keen to know what overblown penis extension you are planning on buying.

    Lets hope you are daydreaming about giving the same amount or more to charity.

    Can you give used lottery tickets to charity?

    Free Member

    See you again in November.

    See ya.

    Free Member

    A proper Dodge pick-up with some 7l engine, bull bars and huuuge wheels. Plenty of chrome etc. Or, sensibly, a house, new SUV (Jap certainly), Marantz stereo and a crate of Fullers Honey Dew. £50k for me, the rest to the wife so I wouldn’t be hungry in a month’s time.

    Full Member

    they should cap it so the max individual win is 1million, its stupid to have one person win all that 100 trillion cash!

    Why? – I bet there are hundreds of lottery winners out who are still grounded and whose lives (and the lives of their families) have be enhanced by winning millions of pounds. They just don’t make very good headlines for the News of the World.

    Full Member

    +1 for LHS even if it makes me one of these too 🙄

    Ahhh… a pompous sanctimonious a-hole

    Free Member

    i hope you give all the money you have in your bank at the end of the month (after paying the bills and buying just enough food to survive) to charity LHS?

    or have you occasionally splashed out and bought luxury items for yourself?

    Free Member

    I give considerably to charity yes thanks.

    Full Member

    So spending £75k on a car out of £82million is seen as being mean.

    Oh well I’d be **** as I’d be spending at least 5x that amount if not more and millions on property too. I suppose I could drop £1 on a charity box sometime though.

    Free Member

    When I win I intend on employing a chauffeur. After all post lottery I am likely to be far to pissed to drive for some considerable time.

    Free Member

    good good, so if you won the lottery you wouldnt spend anything on making your life a little more comfortable, paying off the mortgage and so on before giving to charity?

    i give to charity each month, but i know that i’d definately take the opportunity to pay off a mortgage and buy a car that would last before decided how to distibute the rest… it’d be nice to win enough to not have to work again.

    this would mean instead of working i could spend my time doing things for charities instead of making donations that get eaten up in admin costs and rebranding etc etc.

    i already know which charities 🙂

    *off to daydream*

    Free Member

    I could see myself turning into Mr. Creosote if I won the lottery

    Free Member

    I’d extend my penis with one of these

    I’d give a fiver to charidee but I wouldn’t like to talk about it (mate).

    Free Member

    I’d open a bank, after all once you’ve got one of them you can spend all the money you like, when its all gone and you’re chronically in debt you can just ask the government to steal it from the people, give it to you and you don’t have to give any of it back, sounds great!

    Full Member

    Yeah I love those and would be on my list.

    What about the new Jag.

    It’s electric so you’d be doing your bit for the planet which may help all those starving orphans.

    Free Member

    I could drop £1 on a charity box sometime though.

    You do what you want to do.

    so if you won the lottery you wouldnt spend anything on making your life a little more comfortable, paying off the mortgage and so on before giving to charity?

    For me my priorities are the other way round. I don’t need to win the lottery (which is a mindset a lot of people take, but thats a completly different debate) and you shouldn’t wait to win the lottery either before giving to charity.

    Everyone has different opinions out there but the problem in the UK is that most people if asked what they would do if they won the lottery would say they’d rather buy a penis extension than helping out those less fortunate than them. Just different mindsets i guess.

    Free Member

    you’d be doing your bit for the planet

    Thats a different debate entirely!

    Free Member

    I wonder if gorgeous MTB women dream about getting off with adequate photographers…

    I may know of one or two who think my pics are good :o)

    Free Member

    subaru legacy??

    bit cheap though, you can get low mileage 280bhp ones for sub £5000. Boots the size of small cars aswell.

    Free Member

    LHS – did you read the thread title? “Daydreaming”.
    Do you really fanticise about how much more money you could give to charity. Really?

    Full Member

    Hmmmm, only one car I need and want

    Leather ‘Puke’ resistant seats ?
    5 Seats and huge boot ?
    7 Seat when needed for extra kids / grand parents ?
    Eats miles ?
    Get dog in ?
    Get another dog in ?
    Get push chair and dog in ?
    Carry bikes ?
    All seats fold down and make a van ?
    Sleep in the back ?
    Aston Martin V8 Vantage in garage for none of the above ?

    Full Member

    Everyone has different opinions out there but the problem in the UK is that most people if asked what they would do if they won the lottery would say they’d rather buy a penis extension than helping out those less fortunate than them. Just different mindsets i guess.

    That far from means they’d not give to charity though, they’re just given an example of what would they would do. I could sit and write a rough plan of what I’d do if you like but that’s no where near as interesting as having a lunch time fantasy of be hugely rich with the choice of buying pretty much any luxury you want.

    Still if your life evolves around thinking which charity box to drop cash in next then that’s the kind of life for you.

    Free Member

    why do moded vectras all look like chav wagons?

    Full Member

    why do moded vectras all look like chav wagons?

    Because they are?

    Free Member

    As the brief is ‘what family of 4 car would you blow a sizeable wad on’ it would have to be one of these , In this colour but with a black leather interior so the oil from my bike chain won’t show. 😀

    I realise it’s pure indulgence but after a go in a DB9 the other week (that isn’t really big enough for a family of 4) I’m hooked.

    Free Member

    The likes of LHS should be barred from this forum.

    Christ. Harry the Spider kicks off a harmless fantasy thread about being able to blow loads of cash on a fab car. Excellent way to spend a few minutes. Then along comes LHS a tedious Tartuffe of the highest order, wailing on about charity.

    Sod off eh and do us all a favour.

    Free Member

    well yes now that you point it out drac…

    Free Member

    Still if your life evolves around thinking which charity box to drop cash in next then that’s the kind of life for you.

    but I never fantasise about being rich either – I feel guilty enough about the excessive amount of money I have now! I’m more interested in things I might achieve with enough effort and luck…

    Free Member

    Maserati quattroporte GT.
    Land rover defender dual cab HCPU.
    Nice house in Nelson, BC.
    Charity to RSPCA, greenpeace and help for heroes naturally

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