Home Forums Bike Forum D2D – I'm no good but should I do it?

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  • D2D – I'm no good but should I do it?
  • Curly68
    Free Member

    I see that the 10th running of the Dusk Till Dawn in Thetford Forest is up to around 300 entries out of 1000. This got me thinking about doing it in a team of 3 or 4.
    Now I am not very fit, though I love my biking. I have a set of lights as well. How serious do people take it? Would I get in the way of people racing? Thought it might be a challenge and a bit of fun as well.
    Any thoughts?

    Free Member

    When I've done it I've found people, even those who are seriously racing to be quite relaxed. When I had people coming up behind, I wait until I can pull over to one side and let them go.

    The German boys in 05 had sirens on their bikes, they didn't speak English though.

    Full Member

    It's chilled. It's at the end of the race season, it's got a real small venue vibe even though it's growing now, course is fun; rolling, don't let the lack of hills fool you, it's pedaly. Normally warm, although there been some horrendous weather in the past. If I could only do one event, this would be it.

    Free Member

    Cool! I'm a Thetford local so now what the riding is like. Usually ride the marked routes with my kids though.

    Free Member

    I don't know that particular event but I have done a few and I am no racer. Be prepared to be polite and get out of the fast boys and girls way, pace yourself, enjoy the event.

    No reason why not to do it.

    Free Member

    hi mate. You will be fine, just get 3 like minded team mates and jobs done. Us lot are there again this year so you'll have some support. If i can do it solo this year you can manage it in a team! By the way seen the ride on the 30th?

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