So, regarding the above, has anyone got to the end of their loan period, and if so, what did they end up paying? (This threw me as I thought your payments covered the whole cost of the bike, not that you pay for so long, then buy the bike after a set time, which your employers – or a finance company if they’ve used one – own)
The FAQs on the C2WS site says:
What happens at the end of the loan period?
Most employers opt to sell you the bike and accessories, and you will pay the fair market value; this is the amount that a buyer would pay to a seller to purchase the bike and equipment. Each bike is assessed separately, but in our experience the market shows values to be around 5% of the original voucher value plus VAT. The fair market value cannot be stated before or during the scheme as this could be considered a benefit in kind as hire-purchase does not warrant any tax-relief.
So has anyone got to this point, and if so, did they pay around 5% of the voucher cost, or more, or less?
Cheers all.