Home Forums Bike Forum Cut Gate – likely to be frozen hard tomorrow?

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  • Cut Gate – likely to be frozen hard tomorrow?
  • TortoiseOfDoom
    Free Member

    Nice hard frost or boggy mess?

    Free Member


    I rode it boxing day, and it was rubbish. Although thinking about that, it was ages ago now. No rain since. Might be ok.

    Although i think anything but summer, and it would be a mess really. Going up would be better than coming down i think.

    Free Member

    Rode it tuesday night and it was rock hard, with a fairly decent covering of snow. Its been frozen solid since new year, so I can’t see 1 days weather slightly above freezing having made any difference although the snow is probably gone.

    To be honest if its still frozen its the best its been all year, considering how wet summer was.

    Free Member

    Was pretty wet in last summer (and the one before), that’s true.
    However, I’d be surprised if it’s still frozen tomorrow.

    Actually, having said that, I think it’s supposed to be pretty cold tonight, so it might be ok?

    Free Member

    might give it a try then.

    Whats the worst that could happen?

    Free Member

    A friend of mine walked it yesterday and reported sheet ice on the first stretch out of Langsett, resorting to walking the trail side to make progress – but the tops were still very nice with crusty snow and mountain hares. 😀
    I was going to ride it today but was put off by the report of ice however thinking about it maybe could have modified the route to miss the worst.
    Anyhow, let us know how you get on.

    Free Member

    its been around freezing all day here in west sheffield and there is hard frozen ice on a lot of the local trails.

    should be mostly frozen solid as it’s well below freezing now the sun’s gone down

    Full Member

    I rode it on New Year’s Day. Deep frozen and ace. The forecast round here is well sub-zero overnight, it’ll be frozen all right, how slippy it is will depend on freeze thaw and stuff. Popped over Middle Moor (Shooting Cabin) in a rolling pool of fog-bound light and crunch last night and it was great, but slippery as **** 🙂

    Free Member

    blackamoor is deadly today, snow’s melted and frozen as sheet ice on the main track. cutgate may well be similar

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