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  • Custom suspension tuning
  • TrailriderJim
    Free Member

    What exactly does this entail? I’ve got my Sektor RL fork completely stripped down on the bench at the moment and its internals are surprisingly simple. One leg for air, one for damping with rebound and compression settings.

    What do specialists “customise” – the air spring rate? Do they take apart the damping system and tweak the oil flow rates based on rider criteria you feed them?

    Or do they just put tweaked hardware in (pistons, springs, seals etc)?

    Free Member

    You can alter the shim stack so the oil flows faster/slower.
    You can change the oil weight, spring or air.

    Other than that I would think the rest is marketing to people who dont understand physics.

    However, if you have spent £xxx to be told your bike will be better you probably will think it is.

    I know I ride faster when I fit new shiny components 🙂

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