Shop attempts to contact customer’s brother (as it’s the only contact number we had at that time) to tell them that the bike is about to be despatched, no reply so answer phone message is left. Brother has no credit to retrieve answer phone message
Only then do we get the customers actual phone number
Andy is that the best defence you can come with with ?
if so you have lied through your teath as your shop had my phone number since i gave it phil at 13.17 22rd june 2011 .
as it says on my iphone plain as day ..
23rd june 2011 13.19 (01472 342406) missed call (i missed the call)(from phil)
then again straight after
23rd june 2011 13.19 duration 2 mins (01472 342406) incoming call ( i took the call)
i can take picture’s of my iphone clearly displaying the incoming and outgoing calls off my iphone.
dont take a genius to work this out but i think andy has shot himself in the foot.
you can say what ever you want andy as after all you are trying to defend the shop you manage.
someone is not going to come on this thread and openly say they will not buy from you are they ?
And with the foul mouthed tirade of abuse andy , we both know why that happened dont we ?
Phil ringing my brother making threats to him saying the shop will take me & him to court, and getting my brother to get me to say sorry for the stuff i have been saying on here and other forums.
now is that the kind of thing a shop does ?
no it is not.
i rest my case andy.