Home Forums Chat Forum Crossrail to be called "Elizabeth Line" ffs

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  • Crossrail to be called "Elizabeth Line" ffs
  • kimbers
    Full Member

    We pay the bills for the rest of the UK which is quite normal for a capital

    Not payed for the banking crisis it caused that’s spread misery throughout the rest of the country under the guise of austerity tho !

    Free Member

    Any source for the jambafacts? One might argue that it’s easy for the capital to pay more tax when it receives such massive government spending. Transport spending per head in London IIRC is £2700 per person. In the NE it’s a fiver. Most big PFI government contracts the money all flows to London. But yes of course you deserve it all.

    I’m full of optimism about the northern powerhouse though.

    Free Member

    Not payed for the banking crisis it caused that’s spread misery throughout the rest of the country under the guise of austerity tho !

    That’s quite a combination of ideas 😯

    Free Member

    Any source for the jambafacts?

    What do you think? 😉

    Its 10 boroughs that pay 25% iirc but we all know the high property prices are in london

    IIRC on the rest its largely an artefact of Head offices being in london rather than the wealth EXCLUSIVELY being made in london its just registered there- take Banks for example.

    Free Member

    Couldn’t care less about the name, I’ve been staggered at the amount of money that is wasted down there. They have teams of operatives sanding down the concrete tunnel walls to make them look nicer. ITS A TUNNEL FFS, IT WILL BE IN THE DARK, NOBODY WILL SEE THE F***ING WALLS. 👿

    But they don’t care, just throw some more public money at 👿

    Every other railway tunnel in the UK is covered in soot and the sh*t that is sprayed up from the toliets emptying straight onto the line, but this one tunnel has to be immaculate, it wouldn’t surprise me if they wallpapered it 🙄

    Free Member

    Strontium Dog Avenue?

    Free Member

    @grum various news reports and govt figures, from memory Westminster and Kensington & Chelsea provided 10% of stamp duty and that was before the recent doubling of top rate stamp duty which is highly applicable to central London (note it will be seen how effective it is as post the rise property market activity has fallen significNtly, you can now rent for 6 years before you match stamp duty cost). London has by far the highest concentration of high paid jobs so consistent with top 1% paying 27% of the taxes it makes a jumbo contribution. As is normal and as it should but it needs to be understood and recognised by those outside the South East.

    Edit: whether its 2 boroughs or 10 in London the point is still the same. London pays the bills

    Free Member

    I find it bizarre how much so many of you resent, and even despise, the Head of State. All democracies have one – often unelected – and as far as I can tell, pretty much only Brits actually get that bothered by it.

    The alternative, of course, is a demagogue whom we can ‘elect’, and merely devolving the privilege to a different unelected elite – such as Hollywood stars and Wall Street moguls.

    Rest assured that hierarchy and privilege will always exist. It just depends on who gets it.

    I, for one, would rather have a family bound by constitutional responsibility than an unknown quantity.

    Free Member


    A bit of moaning is the least of her worries.

    Free Member

    What @Saxon says. France may be a republic but each town has a Mayor who have a town hall many of which look like a Palace. The President is treated like Royalty with no questions asked about his behaviour. We have far more scruitiny of our Royal family than do they of “theirs”. Most bizarre.

    Free Member

    pretty much only Brits actually get that bothered by it.

    Statistics would suggest the opposite, it is just this site is full of republican misanthropes.

    Free Member

    Sure, but how much of the spending does it take? Are you including the cost to the country of the financial crisis in that?

    Free Member

    Are you including the cost to the country of the financial crisis in that?

    How are you calculating that?

    Full Member

    They did this with the New Southern General Hospital in Govan. The name was unexpectedly changed by a few senior NHS directors at a non-minuted meeting to the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital. There was no wider Health Board or public consultation. Over 10,000 people signed a petition seeking reversal, over £50,000 had to be spent altering NHS signs, maps and stationery. Local bus and taxi companies were similarly affected.

    No reason whatsoever, beyond some lickspittle sucking up to Lizzie Windsor.

    Free Member

    The President is treated like Royalty with no questions asked about his behaviour.

    Actually, the entire French nation asks about his behaviour, and he has to leave office if they say so.

    Free Member

    Coronation Street? Albert Square?

    Where will the madness end?

    Will no-one think of the corgis?

    Full Member

    All you anti-monarchists, would you really prefer President Blair?

    Free Member

    “Are you including the cost to the country of the financial crisis in that?”

    Want that caused by that rocky bank in Newcastle and them there dodgy Scottish banks?

    Whats that got to do with them there London tax thieves.

    Now if we had a Free Yorkshire (an it better be cheap), we’d not have to be concerned with Lizzie an your other offcumbners.

    Full Member

    It’s interesting that the same people who think we should have an elected head of state are often the same who bemoan the state of politics.

    Free Member

    President Blair – yeah, right, he’d be a shoe in.

    Free Member

    All you anti-monarchists, would you really prefer President Blair?

    Do all you royalists have so little imagination?

    Full Member

    Rest assured that hierarchy and privilege will always exist. It just depends on who gets it.

    what a sad satement
    I dont think you have to be a communist
    to think that this is an insult to common decency
    that the queen gets >£30 million a year from the taxpayer plus some lickspittle politicians naming a trainline after her
    meanwhile in teh rest of mega rich london half a million children live below the poverty line and social care, libraries, councils schools etc have seen a sustained assault on their funding

    Full Member

    IHN – Member
    It’s interesting that the same people who think we should have an elected head of state are often the same who bemoan the state of politics.

    nah it should be a national lottery, everyone gets to a chance to live in the royal palaces for a year! 😆

    Free Member

    Any Royal Scott biscuits to enjoy this one with…..?

    Free Member

    they could make it free to travel, just a tug of the forelock lets you through.

    Free Member

    true but, for all its ill, an elected head of state TRUMPS all other options 😉

    Free Member

    grum – Member

    Any source for the jambafacts?

    The source for the #grumfact in your post being?

    Free Member

    Middenface McNulty Mews?

    Free Member

    Here you go retro83.


    Mind you unlike jamba I don’t have a reputation for continually being wrong/making things up – and lo and behold he has ‘his memory’ as a source.

    Free Member

    steady there Grum there is no place for a fact based evidence led approach to debate on STW.

    Free Member

    I dont think you have to be a communist
    to think that this is an insult to common decency
    that the queen gets >£30 million a year from the taxpayer plus some lickspittle politicians naming a trainline after her
    meanwhile in teh rest of mega rich london half a million children live below the poverty line and social care, libraries, councils schools etc have seen a sustained assault on their funding

    I think you’re right. EXCEPT…

    while I wouldn’t argue with the desirability of reform to how the Head of State gets remunerated, an extra £30 million in the government’s coffers is hardly going to eliminate child poverty. But if it really did make a difference, then – as I say – by all means make cuts to pay.

    That said, it’s not like that £30 million is her personal fortune that she can use to buy gold-wrapped McLarens or anything. Whoever wears the crown is always on duty, even when on holiday, and knows nothing of privacy or even of private decisions. So the queen gets to shop at Fortnum and Mason’s while the rest of go to Tesco. Big deal. What of all those wastrels whose only claim to fame and fortune is that they are the sons and daughters of celebs and socialites with shampoo advertising deals? They’re also enjoying great privilege, and yet they are doing so with no constraints, in often the most vulgar ways.

    It’s no accident these people are often referred to as ‘royalty’:

    I just find it ironic that we malign a pretty well-functioning political system for certain imperfections, when some of those same perceived imperfections are practically celebrated in other areas of society.

    Free Member

    Eg, the regressive tax system that is Association Football!!

    Free Member

    Bit of a gender biased pay gap there eh?

    Free Member

    Whoever wears the crown is always on duty, even when on holiday, and knows nothing of privacy or even of private decisions.

    No-one is forced to do it.

    Full Member


    It’s not just the £38 million she gets, it’s the nippers as well, plus the 1/2 Billion she’s amassed as her “personal wealth”.

    Free Member

    it’s not like that £30 million is her personal fortune that she can use to buy gold-wrapped McLarens or anything.

    Agreed her personal wealth is way more than £30 million- Times has it at £340 for 2015

    Whoever wears the crown is always on duty, even when on holiday, and knows nothing of privacy

    I know those 6 weeks she just spent in Norfolk were so busy for her and so intrusive on that massive estate of hers where she knows nothing of privacy.

    By all means say why you support them , and its fair to say she has strange life, is in the public eye and is often very busy but that is a bit OTT

    As for the actors. I dont think they deserve what they get paid but the critical difference is they get it due to their own talents rather than because who their mum and dad are.

    Is it just snobbery of the working classes that makes you object to the market in this area?Clearly you dont GAS about high pay or talent getting what the market will support[ you love it ] so why do you keep bringing this up? and you say I troll 😕

    Full Member

    yeah its a tough old life being royalty, I imagine Prince Geroge will be dead at 50 from miners lung 🙄

    Full Member

    It’s not just the £38 million she gets, it’s the nippers as well, plus the 1/2 Billion she’s amassed as her “personal wealth”.


    Perhaps we could solve some of the housing crisis by building on some of the land that the royals “own”.
    Build a few schemes on Balmoral for starters… 🙂

    Free Member

    my cousin and her husband live in Maidenhead. They’re very excited about crossrail The Queen Elizabeth Line, as it’ll reduce their commuting time.

    Which, at around 30mins currently, is considered a huge inconvenience. and thoroughly deserving of £15Billion.

    Full Member

    Despite being an anti-royalist, this comes as a relief – I was expecting it to be called the Boris Line, in keeping with his campaign to take credit for improving the lives of Londoners while in fact screwing them over at every opportunity.

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