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  • Could you live on £26,OOO per year. DC content
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    Free Member

    Nick says the average wage is £26,000pa, and benefits should be capped at that level.

    For once the nice Mr Camerooon (we are all in it together)speaks what most people want to hear,unless you have a big family and live in a big house and dont want to work.

    Free Member

    If that’s after tax, I could quite happily live a fine life on that.

    Free Member

    Is that £26k take home?

    Full Member

    Is that the total amount that a family, maybe with family members that have special needs and care arrangements?

    If so no, thats only 2 lots of £13k salaries (assuming that both parents unemployed as opposed to an addition to their salaries).

    The problem is the system is abused far too widely making it too expensive.

    Free Member

    if it was take home, I get raped every month by those tossers for making 55k

    Free Member

    Benefits are tax free so yes, £26K after tax.

    Full Member

    that is after tax (there is no tax on benifits).

    I earn 26K (before tax) and have a wife (who does not earn) and one child.

    Pieface – DLA is not included in the proposed 26k so would be an additional.

    Free Member

    So £26k after tax is around £35k gross??

    Free Member

    wow, don’t even earn £26k before tax!

    Free Member

    i could survive on about 5k a year. i could LIVE on £26k a year 😀

    Remember the subsidised rents they get too. It all works out to a very good income. If you can’t cope, then stop having kids.

    Full Member

    that’s about my take home after the taxman has finished with me so yes comfortably.

    Free Member

    benefits make people sick, reduce the legal working hours, employ the population

    Full Member

    float – i doubt you could survive on 5k a year if you include rent.

    BTW the 26k also doesnt include child benifit.

    Full Member

    Hold on, something’s getting skewed here, is it being suggested that benefits are capped at £26000 PER PERSON? Is this a combination of all the benefits available? (i.e. a blind deaf wheelchair bound ex-serviceman with kids etc)?

    I’m on £23000 before tax working as a mechanical engineer with 3+ year’s experience, never thought anything of it as I can live on it quite comfortably, but now…

    Free Member

    BTW the 26k also doesnt include child benifit.

    The government proposal is that the £26K does include child benefit. The ding-dong in the Lords currently is about whether that should be the case or not.

    Free Member

    £26k that’d be a nice pay rise from the 18k (pre tax & NI) that I have to live on.

    Free Member

    I earn far less than £26k …

    Full Member

    the 26k is per family/household – a blind/deft/wheelchair bound person would get Disability Living alowance on top @ approx £400 pcm (an additional 4,800 per year).

    Free Member

    The problem is the system is abused far too widely making it too expensive.

    No the problem is a lack of social housing which means councils have to place families with private landlords.

    This article makes some good points:


    I’ve been trying to find an article I read earlier that showed this will affect less than 1% of benefit claimants, and that 54% of those affected live in Greater London.

    Full Member

    The government proposal is that the £26K does include child benefit. The ding-dong in the Lords currently is about whether that should be the case or not.

    my bad – the wife was telling me porkeys.

    Full Member

    houseing benifit is a small part of the issue – iirc Its been proposed that the housing benifits system will be cut by 33% across the board.

    Free Member

    This well peeves me off But I do think not all are getting such luxuries
    But is ridiculous to be able to get so much money on benefits

    To have £26,000 in your pocket after tax you will need to earn £ 31,720 approx.
    Maybe i should claim my Human Rights and get something back for what i put in.

    Full Member

    the 26k is per family/household

    Right, that makes more sense.

    Free Member

    TheArtistFormerlyKnownAsSTR – Member
    Remember the subsidised rents they get too. It all works out to a very good income. If you can’t cope, then stop having kids.

    And if you have kids, then lose your job?

    Hold on, something’s getting skewed here, is it being suggested that benefits are capped at £26000 PER PERSON?

    No, household.

    MrNutt – Member
    benefits make people sick, reduce the legal working hours, employ the population

    CallMeDave’s just attacked France over the 35-hour working week…

    Full Member

    Have in the past so probably easily could again, I couldn’t be so spend free have as many special things as I do and not worry about getting an unexpected bill but I could get by. It seems fair to me that those receiving benefits should fall on the average, enough for people to live on but not too much not to encourage them to look for employment.

    Full Member

    the 26k cap is for work related benifits only and DOES NOT include illness related benifits on which there will be no cap nor on widows/ war widows etc..

    Free Member

    But it also doesn’t take into account the size of the household.

    Free Member

    is it being suggested that benefits are capped at £26000 PER PERSON?

    No, per family I believe. Not an issue if you’ve 1 or 2 kids, might become one if you have more. Probably an issue if you lived in London and had a big family. I’d imagine that private rent on say a 3 or 4 bed house would be a lot. Still, combine this plan with a commitment to build loads more social housing and it would make sense.

    Free Member

    Average gross household income in the East Midlands is ~£600, so for this area 26k doesn’t really seem like too much of a ‘cap’

    I think the idea of a universal benefit is flawed when there’s such a huge disparity in housing costs across the country

    Full Member

    But it also doesn’t take into account the size of the household.

    hense the house of lords bill…..

    Free Member

    Does this benefit need to pay for the complex care needs of say someone with cerebral palsy whose parents want their child to live at homs?

    Free Member

    Maybe i should claim my Human Rights and get something back for what i put in.

    Or maybe you could consider that you already get a great deal living in the country, and STFU?

    Free Member

    Well it’s about £20k more than I have earned so far this tax year….and just had a partner pull out of a research contract which was the next 6 months work. My own research keeps me busy but doesnt pay the bills….

    Free Member

    RichPenny – Member
    Maybe i should claim my Human Rights and get something back for what i put in.
    Or maybe you could consider that you already get a great deal living in the country, and STFU?

    Just what deal would that be ??? Have worked my nuts off all through my life so far
    and had my company for 8 years mostly working through the nights if not 24hrs
    to get things out the workshop in time Now employ 4 persons and always
    worried of sales etc even though we have a good order book.
    Also i live in East London


    Free Member

    i am £5k less than that, OH is on £10k less than that and spends 20% on petrol a year, both graduates racking up interest on student loans, can’t save for a house and god knows when we will have kids or even get married,

    thank god for mtbing, for when I am on the trails, I exist,

    Free Member

    Yes easily. I have a large flat in leafy SW London (mortgaged) with super high service charges, have a cleaner, drive an Audi and my base yearly outgoings are about £22k. No children mind you, no fags, booze or drugs.

    Full Member

    i am £5k less than that, OH is on £10k less than that and spends 20% on petrol a year, both graduates racking up interest on student loans, can’t save for a house and god knows when we will have kids or even get married,

    so you have a combined income of 37K – sounds like you could save for a house if you wanted to, just need to change your likestyle a bit.

    Free Member

    I earn between 22K and 25k before tax (overtime dependant) and mrs carlos about 8k part time. So we don’t earn 26k take home between us.

    It winds me up that the system is so flawed that it allows people who don’t work to have a better standard of living than I do.

    Mrs carlos has recently gone back to work after maternity leave , before she went back we went on the government benefits calculator. If she was made redundant we would be £130 a week better of with the benefits she’d receive.

    Full Member

    i am £5k less than that, OH is on £10k less than that and spends 20% on petrol a year, both graduates racking up interest on student loans, can’t save for a house and god knows when we will have kids or even get married,

    So more than the preposed cap.

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