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  • cotic hose guides
  • fenboy
    Full Member

    anyone ever ‘adapted’ the hose guides on a soul frame or other? i have one with the hoops and i’d like to apapt them to be able to run zip ties. Can’t afford to get a framebuilder to do it.

    i was going to cut a slot in the top and drill a hole in the sides and then file for britain? any better ideas.

    Full Member

    It’s far from perfect, but couldn’t you just make do with a slotted hose guide? Hose goes in, gaffer tape (or less pikey option) goes on top, all done. Plus you don’t have to file for britain!!
    (I have a Soda, so trying to file the guides down would result in a lot of broken files, I think…)

    Full Member

    I’ve not seen it done nicely. They’re relatively easy to file as they’re only mild steel.

    Would it not be more effort than threading the hose through on three or four sets of brakes?

    Full Member

    thats what i thought, i just thought there might be a neat diy solution. i might just get a new guide fitted on the centre of top tube and live with the hoops, even though they bug me.

    i did have one of those magura plastic stick on guides and the hoses wedged in the hoops with rubber spacers from a light fitting which worked but looked a bit heath robinson. i was going for a respray and thought it would be nice to get this done before. Done professionally it works out at half the cost of a new frame inc respray.

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