Home Forums Bike Forum Continental Supersonics TUBELESS

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  • Continental Supersonics TUBELESS
    Free Member

    Running Continental Supersonics tubeless on my stans 355 rims but tyres seem really wobbly side to side when riding.I dont want to but do you think putting a rim strip or tube in there will sort this as the sidewalls are really flimsy and have no rigidity.Damn then my bike will weigh just over 10 kg.Not happy.Any suggestions? And no my rims are not buckled.Cheers. 🙂

    Free Member


    Full Member

    Some people seem OK using them tubeless but my experience is the sidewalls are too thin and flexy. Using a tube would obviously help but if you want to stay tubeless then look at a different tyre IMO.

    Free Member

    +1 What FuzzyWuzzy said

    Free Member

    ok it seems as though i will have to do that.Cheers

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