Home Forums Bike Forum Continental Edge tyre pressure

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  • Continental Edge tyre pressure
  • underthesun
    Free Member

    Whos running what in theirs?? I’ve tried 35psi and it seems to be bouncing all over the place. Conti recommend 50psi but thats never right is it?? Anyone run them around the 30psi/32psi mark?? I weigh 160lbs.

    Full Member

    I haven’t got a gauge, so can’t give you specifics, but I find if it’s really soggy/muddy/boggy all the way round a trail then you can stick a fair bit of pressure in them.
    If the ground is just wet, but not muddy as such then they seem to work better with a bit more give or they are a bit slide in corners and don’t like roots at all.

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