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  • Constantly screaming kid
  • muddydwarf
    Free Member

    Not mine, but the poor family next door 🙁

    Got in from work at 17:15 & it was yelling then & still hasn't stopped. It yells through the night & i'm having my sleep interrupted so god knows what it's like for them.

    I don't want to go knocking on the door as that will stress them out even more but its really bloody annoying now, been going on for a couple of months.

    Not a lot i can do really, just wanted to (silently) vent rather than yell "SHUT THAT BLOODY KID UP!!" through the wall!

    Free Member

    how old?

    Free Member

    Not sure, only a little 'un so a few months to a year?

    Little sod must have a throat made of brass – certainly sounds like he's red-raw with yelling. It's not crying, rather the dementedly angry hoarse yelling of someone determined to get their way.

    Free Member

    Free Member

    I'm no chemist but is that the formula for chloroform? 😆

    Free Member

    it's Ketamine

    Free Member

    I feel for you.

    You have patients of a saint OP as I get miffed from a dog or an alarm going off twice in a row.

    Have a chat as in is the baby ok =could be a medical prob and buy ear plugs?

    Free Member

    Chloroform would only cure for a day.

    Free Member

    I can get earplugs from work but i'd never get up in the morning if i did that – plus i wear them all day at work.

    The family are chinese, don't want to cause inadvertent offence by knocking on the door and being nosey but it's getting annoying now.

    He's still yelling… 🙁

    Full Member

    Don't you just love the northern european tolerance of children ?

    Free Member

    In all seriousness, it might be a good idea to talk to them and see if it is a medical problem.

    Only use the cyanide as a last resort ( and don't get caught ).

    Free Member

    Maybe go round and ask if you can help? Find out the problem, post here and the solution will find you.

    Free Member

    There's tolerance and then there is stepping over the mark.

    Phone your local council/social services. The family will probably receive a visit and may be offered help if there is a problem which can be sorted out.

    Free Member

    Move house if it bothers you that much.

    None of your business really 😉

    Free Member

    Yeah that's the British attitude – ignore your neighbours.

    Free Member

    If it is distressing or concerning, call Social Services. You should be able to do it anonomously and if there's nothing to worry about then all well and good.

    Free Member

    Yeah that's the British attitude – ignore your neighbours.

    I've spoken to the sheep and cattle at length today, they go baa moo.

    Free Member

    Move house if it bothers you that much.

    None of your business really

    If you can hear it in your house it's your business.

    Free Member

    Erm- it is not likely to be a medical problem, just the joys of colic. Go round with a bottle of wine and sympathy. It won't last but the poor bloody parents are likely to be stressed out of their minds.

    Free Member

    Look upon it as an incentive to get a better paid job / promotion so you can afford a detached house.

    Free Member

    lactic +1. colic is a nightmare; my daughter cried for months (seemed like longer)

    Free Member

    If you neighbours are Chinese, it could well be that they aren't aware of the level of noise the kids is making, daft I know.

    Most of the Far East is, except in Japan where they are very aware of the noise they make, quite tolerant of noises, particularly from children.

    My neighbours would regularly scream to each other from house to house at 6am and then around 6:45 the local head man would come on the village tannoy system and talk drivel for 25 minutes before playing crap adverts for local companies full blast.

    My advice is to go knock on the door and ask them if they can possibly keep the noise of the screaming kid down.

    Free Member

    If you can hear it in your house it's your business.

    Children make noise, adults make noise, cows and sheep make noise.

    Even those pretty tweety birds make noise.

    Live with it.

    Or KILL them all, as then you'll be at one with your mardy arsed self.

    Free Member

    And if that doesn't work.

    Kill their dog.

    Free Member

    Our baby cries sometimes. Fortunately for us/neighbors, not at night much, but it isn't like parents have complete control over when kids cry, the poor parents are probably at their wits end.

    Unfortunately some babies cry for no obvious reason, and there its no way to fix that. It is annoying, but we've all been babies at one point, so I guess we should be tolerant of it.


    Free Member

    could be teething ! post them some bonjela through the letterbox ! lol 😉

    Free Member

    Or KILL them all, as then you'll be at one with your mardy arsed self.

    Sure, that's exactly what I had in mind.

    Free Member

    Chloroform would only cure for a day.

    Depends how much of it you use.

    My advice is to go knock on the door and ask them if they can possibly keep the noise of the screaming kid down.

    Is that a Viz top tip? I'm sure they haven't thought that it might be a good idea if their kid made a bit less noise.

    Free Member

    cows and sheep make noise.

    Even those pretty tweety birds make noise.

    Humans have evolved on such a way that their babies make a specific sound when in need of something, which adult humans find both annoying and difficult to ignore……..that is the sole purpose of it.

    On the other hand, humans find noises made by pretty tweety birds, cows and sheep, spectacularly easy to ignore.

    Please don't hesitate to ask if you have any more questions regarding this fascinating species.

    Free Member

    as parent to a 4 month old that refuses to sleep at all during the day and by 7pm has got so tired she has crying fits yet still fights it and can go on until around 11 (when she then drops off and sleeps through to 6-8am, which is great) I sympathise alot, I am in a similar situation, get home from work, screaming baby, and its hard. Big differnce being she is my kid so I have that bond and I have some control over my situation and we have now learned how to manage her and stop her crying at least for half hour to hour periods until the 'tantrum' passes and she nods off
    There could be any number of reasons, colic (can be awful, we found Dr Browns anti colic bottles and a proper burping routine works great), teething (Ashton and Parsons powder), a deeper medical condition, to just needing attention. No one can really give you any advise as we have no idea on the child's or parents situation, are they the type that might just switch off and ignore their crying baby?
    We also dont know your relation with your neighbours? If your on pretty good speaking terms then maybe a passing concerned comment may help? Do you have kids yourself may they see you as someone that could maybe give some advice to them?
    Like you say there is a risk of stressing them out if you mention anything, but equally they could also be at their wits end themselves and desperate for any advise
    the only thing I can really say is that in my experience when it gets to that demented hoarse yelling stage it is something quite wrong, be it extreme tiredness, hunger or discomfort from colic / teathing or whatever, the baby isnt crying for a trivial reason

    Free Member

    Is that a Viz top tip? I'm sure they haven't thought that it might be a good idea if their kid made a bit less noise.

    Genuinely, no. As I said in my post, cultural differences can make a big difference in what people see as acceptable noise.

    Free Member

    No baby should cry all the time, if it does they should go see their gp, could be a medical problem.

    Free Member

    asbo 8)

    Full Member

    As the stressed out parent of a screaming baby if you came round to my house and told me to shut it up I would punch you in the throat. A lot.

    They probably know that their child is unsettled and are probably doing their best to quieten it down as they are probably not getting any sleep either.

    What are you going to do? Have a chat with the baby? They don't have an off switch or a mute button.

    Free Member

    lol mute button ! 😉
    i guess you dont have kids of your own then muddydwarf….i guess you never will now that you are being put off by the normal screaming of a baby…. have a heart, poor little blighter …not his fault he has to grow teeth ! so you never screamed as a baby ? hmmm thort not ? mr goody two shoes ! lol 😉 :mrgreen:

    Free Member

    Our baby is screaming all night too.
    We have teething under control with a number of potions, the colic was easy to get through, the RSV caused plenty of pain and a hospital trip as did the stomach infection. We also found the lactose intolerance which caused screaming all night and plenty of sick (health visitor reckoned he was a sicky baby rather than ill). Red meat ad soy milk seemed to cause similar problems all he is now up all night without the sickness and refusing to drink or sleep in the day.

    basically if you are already mates with them already offer to help and spend some times researching the symptoms on the web as it is far better than any doctor. Otherwise keep well clear because at the moment if anyone fancied offering us advice they would be on the receiving end of 9months of suffering.

    Free Member

    Three years ago our neighbours brought home their daughter. It got soo bad I had to restrain my missus from going round to tell them to shut it up (I was incredulous that she actually thought that would work.

    Put a bookshelf/wadrobes against that adjoining wall- it'll help. Or move bedrooms.

    Our neighbours keep the girl up until circa 9pm every night and she sleeps with them. Its not rocket science that the girl is stropping/cries alot STILL 😆

    Ps. Its none of your business. Its not anti-social noise.

    Free Member

    One thing I do know is that the baby shouldnt crying like that all the time, it needs something sorting.

    Impossible to offer advice remotely, but teeth or digestion problems sound about right for that age range.

    Free Member

    Wheely bin ????? 😉

    Free Member

    i guess you dont have kids of your own then muddydwarf

    lol indeed. I love that one. The great justification for parents who can't parent. muddydwarf can console himself that if he had kids, the screaming would be less annoying. Only, of course, yeah, it wouldn't.

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