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  • Constantly ill, Grrrr
  • Daisy_Duke
    Free Member

    Been ill since about the start of Nov last year. The most I ever get to train is about 4 weeks before I get a cold/flu or an infection of some kind which has ranged from urinary to chest. I’m back with another urinary infection which is really p*ssing me off!
    When I can train I feel good but I can’t get any consistency. I’ve had to shelve cycle trips like LEJOGS which was planned for May. I have a good diet with plenty of fruit\veg plus multi vits. I don’t drink much.
    Is there anything I can do apart from yet another trip to the docs?

    Full Member

    “Training”. All my friends who “train” are frequently ill. Are you doing too much?

    On a serious note, I used to suffer with the urinary stuff on a regular basis, then I discovered this stuff:

    (I used to buy it from Victoria Health in London, but they stopped stocking it for some reason).

    The D-Mannose stops the E-Coli from sticking to the wall of your bladder, thus preventing the infection. Honestly, it changed my life.

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