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  • Conservative coalition with DUP…..
  • jambalaya
    Free Member

    Interestingly Guido Gawkes points out that the Tories won more seats than the so-called progressive alliance of Labour, SNP, Lib Dems and Greens

    @mrmo that could work provided the South East keeps all its own tax revenue 😉

    Free Member

    100 plus seats?

    Free Member

    “interestingly”? I’d worked that out over 2 days ago, and it doesn’t really provide any more support for your claims. Keep trying though, I’m sure Guido has something to make you feel better.

    Full Member

    kimbers – Member

    It’s great, she still doesn’t understand that endless repetition of vacuous soundbites, doesn’t work!!!

    She looks terrible. This is going to kill her if she’s not careful.

    And no, it doesn’t work, it just makes people even more annoyed.

    Free Member

    I’d worked that out over 2 days ago

    we all had except the maths graduate.

    the Tories won more seats than the so-called progressive alliance as they lost their majority and the expected 100-150 seats disappeared before their eyes


    again its strange times when the losers are happier than the “winners”

    Free Member

    that interview was terrible she is so determined to look strong she looks aloof , evasive, out of touch and just plain wierd at times as she repeats phrases and tries to link them together irrespective of the topic.

    Why did she not just say about the last few days

    yes it has been a tough time personally and politically and not what i expected and I felt and have listened to the public and we are going to change and then all that guff or even something new – she really is poor at interviews.

    Full Member

    big_n_daft – Member

    Did some mention Gordon Brown being short of votes?

    Oh well as long as an ex-leader ex-MP completely unconnected to the current Labour leadership except to crticise it, did it in the past, that makes it fine for the Tories to do it today. I look forward to using this argument every time someone criticises Labour for anything. “But Edward Smith Stanley did it!”

    Free Member

    Though of course not only didn’t GB have a supply and confidence deal with the DUP, he didn’t even suggest getting one – that Guido article is making something out of nothing.

    Free Member

    Interestingly Guido Gawkes

    Ah Guido that central level headed outlet of facts…….

    Not worried at all about the DUP but he did find 10 good policies so thats a plus….. 🙄

    Free Member

    She looks terrible. This is going to kill her if she’s not careful

    Good. I hope when she is at death’s door some private sector company deems her fit for work and cuts off her benefits hastening her demise.

    Free Member

    The Prime Minister is also a Type 1 Diabetic. Her condition requires very regular maintenance. She’s clearly not been looking after herself to the point that I’ve become concerned for the state of her health.

    Full Member

    T1 is easily managed if you have a brain. It’s possible she’s mismanaging it of course but you’d expect the PM has better healthcare access than us plebs and even I as an Enemy Of The People would get good, instant advice if I needed it. If she’s having diabetic related issues it’s because she’s an arse.

    But there’s plenty of other things that could make a disastrous PM ill. Hunt may well be poisoning her, frinstance

    Free Member


    You’re right, my implication was that I suspect she’s an arse.

    Free Member

    If I’d just called an election, stuffed it up, lost a majority had to do a deal with a bunch of nutjobs then I might look a little unwell.

    The deal with the DUP will just help speed things along, their demands will either be too big for her or too big for the centre of her party – Trump on HC for instance – what pleases some offends others.

    She will also be in for a brutal few months in parliament if the opposition can carry some momentum. Needs some serious questions asked and replying like you own the place will start and backfire.

    I don’t think the DUP will appreciate some of the closer attention they are about to get either, as the press seem to have dropped her they can contrast the DUP polices with the positions of leading cabinet ministers.

    Full Member

    Full Member

    The DUP is part of the British government now

    I’m not trying to be pedantic, but to be part of a government a party needs to have ministerial positions.

    Full Member

    We should all be aware of and know our history. Not for reasons for vengeance or retribution, but so the same mistakes can be avoided.

    Any quest for justice/vengeance on both sides of the NI factions is doomed to continue the problem. From what little I know the Good Friday agreement seemed to be working, and time would sort out any lingering issues.

    Seeing as both sides are nominally Christian, maybe the element of forgiveness should be first and foremost as demonstrated by McGuinness and Paisley.

    Let’s hope it does not now go tits up because of a power imbalance there.

    And while I like to see May squirming with her “great victory” and potential leadership challenges because of the DUP, what is more important is continued peace in the province. Our society will be more damaged by the repercussions of a conflict there than anything the Muslim extremists can do.

    What concerns me is incidents like that march in Liverpool – it was planned, but planned to go past an Irish pub. Probably just as a poke in the eye and I doubt there was any intention of provoking actual violence.

    However the alliance of the DUP with a Tory govt changes things and it just takes one angry man to be the spark when you have a powder keg. That’s the worry.

    Today is going to be very interesting…

    Free Member

    The Tories and the DUP is going to be great craic, dunno what ye are all worried about. Sit back and enjoy watching the Tories making themselves unelectable for generations! 😆

    Free Member

    Is the DUP propping up May any more of a threat to the peace process than Corbyn (as an IRA sympathiser) becoming PM?

    Free Member

    The Prime Minister is also a Type 1 Diabetic. Her condition requires very regular maintenance. She’s clearly not been looking after herself to the point that I’ve become concerned for the state of her health.

    I’m sure she’s very grateful for your concern….but let’s leave idle speculation about her health to the likes of the gutter press.

    We’re not the Yanks & smearing folks has a bad taste to it & tendency to backfire – see JC?

    TBH she doesn’t really need help in fing things up..

    Free Member

    How is Corbyn as PM a threat to the good friday agreement?
    May will directly rely on the votes of the DUP in order to stay in power.
    Many years ago JC met SF to discuss peace at about the same time that various government officials were.
    Do you get all your news from the Daily Mail? Is it hard to tell how the 2 things are massively different?

    Free Member

    Is the DUP propping up May any more of a threat to the peace process than Corbyn (as an IRA sympathiser) becoming PM?

    Yes. DUP propping up May could be a reality. Corbyn being an IRA sympathiser is just in your head, i.e. not reality. A clear difference for anyone that can look past the Daily Mail…

    Free Member

    sv – Member
    Is the DUP propping up May any more of a threat to the peace process than Corbyn (as an IRA sympathiser) becoming PM?

    beautiful wilful ignorance. 😆 crack on fella, you’re winning loads of points here.

    Free Member

    Could you deliver your barrage of lies somewhere where they might be believed – DM for example?

    Free Member

    Calm down ladies it was only a question!

    He had to be pushed hard to condemn IRA violence, is it so difficult to do? Suppose the concensus is he is a ‘peace maker’ along with his friends McGuiness/Adams/Anderson…

    Free Member

    Also what most people are also worried about is a bunch of climate change denying creationist bigots having anything to do with education, human rights, environmental policy or dismantling of the protections provided by the EU.

    Free Member

    sv – Member
    Calm down ladies it was only a question!

    One based in spurious details and vague facts. You used the words IRA Sympathiser – he condemned violence on all sides rather than specifically condemning one group.
    Spot a reason why it’s taken so long to make any progress? If you have to trot out and condemn each group to the right audience it will take a while.

    Free Member

    He had to be pushed hard to condemn IRA violence, is it so difficult to do?

    Not at all: he condemned violence from both sides very readily. It is usually interviewers with particular agendas who try and focus on the IRA and Corbyn just refused to single out one side.

    Free Member

    again its strange times when the losers are happier than the “winners”

    Obv not a Welsh rugby fan.

    Free Member


    I wonder who’s bankrolling them?

    “The DUP has said that the £435,000 came the Constitutional Research Council, a group whose only publicly declared member is its chairman, Richard Cook, a former Conservative general-election candidate who lives near Glasgow and has business links with Saudi Arabian intelligence services. The council does not publish accounts and has refused to name its funders.
    Northern Irish election law allows political donations to be kept secret.

    More money pouring in from Aaron Banks via a different channel?

    Full Member

    sv – Member

    He had to be pushed hard to condemn IRA violence

    Nope, no he did not, he condemned all violence and then people played silly word games, as if “all violence” somehow didn’t include the IRA.

    Free Member

    Nope, no he did not, he condemned all violence and then people played silly word games, as if “all violence” somehow didn’t include the IRA.

    Then it should have pretty easy for him to say of course I condemn IRA violence rather than keep going over the ‘all violence’ statement.

    Also just to point out the DUP are an awful party! Scandal after scandal over here but who cares sure isn’t there that wonderful Good Friday agreement that makes everything so brilliant. Lumbered with a useless assembly that doesn’t work except for those that get paid from it. Prisoners let out on early release, letters of comfort/Royal pardons (its ok to recognise the monarchy for those instead of murdering them! Still no list of names that got them though.).
    I released a long. long time ago that anything other than moving on was futile, still doesn’t change what evil people did back then and as I said we shouldn’t rewrite history (both Loyalist/Republican).
    Glad that the spotlight is on the DUP as it highlights how pathetic politics is in Northern Ireland. Voting is indeed pointless 🙁

    Full Member

    Calm down ladies it was only a question!

    Your “questions” do seem to be the classic push poll approach.

    Free Member

    I released a long. long time ago that anything other than moving on was futile,

    well, stop whipping a dead donkey then.

    Full Member

    sv – Member – Block User – Quote

    Then it should have pretty easy for him to say of course I condemn IRA violence rather than keep going over the ‘all violence’ statement.

    Free Member

    Then it should have pretty easy for him to say of course I condemn IRA violence rather than keep going over the ‘all violence’ statement.

    This subtle point there is that if you condemn all you do not simple one out. This seems to be the very point you don’t get. Why can’t you accept that all means all (and includes the IRA)
    The 2 statements in the context of NI is key. One stands above the sectarian sides, the other doesn’t.

    Free Member

    good to see that many of you have come round to realise that corbyn is what he’s always been , a person of highest integrity and great humility , he works in a snake pit full of opportunists , careerists, liars, thieves and worse , there are some honourable members as they are fond of calling each other but they are a minority .

    the sight of the tory regime , who only seven weeks ago were smug about a landslide victory, now scheming with some terrorist apologists in order to cling to power , not in the interest of the country , just self serving , is like maybot mantras , digging a bigger hole , a week is a long time indeed in politics

    Free Member

    Then it should have pretty easy for him to say of course I condemn IRA violence rather than keep going over the ‘all violence’ statement.

    Your implication is that he quietly supports/supported IRA violence, isn’t it? Thats what you’re insinuating?

    Free Member

    If Corbyn singled out the IRA, it could be argued as a breach of the GFA, he would be seen to be taking sides.

    The only sensible approaches are to condemn all sides, or none.

    Free Member

    The irony is that if he had played the game of the interviewer and singled one side out, that would be far more of a threat to the peace process! In the same way that having an agreement with just one side is…

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