Yeah, that democracy thing, you know, the one that people voted for them under…
Like I said, perfectly legitimate for them to stand on those issues and indeed for people to vote for them, and for them to gain seats on that basis and take up those seats and represent their views and the views of their followers IN PARLIAMENT
And if they get (heaven forbid) enough followers and enough seats to be the majority party then I suppose democracy means that they can form a government based on those views. That’s democracy.
But democracy doesn’t mean that you should go into alliance with them if their views are so far removed from your party’s views and the modern society we value.
So why have the tories done it?
Do they find those views acceptable?
Or are they (is SHE) so desperate to cling to power she’ll hold her nose however shitty the smell?
Or is there another reason? I’ll offer one – that she believes she can change their views as part of the co-operation. In which case I’ll add deluded to power-crazed, and expect when she finds they have her over a barrel (she needs them far more that the other way round) she’ll do the honest thing and say that the co-operation is no longer fit to govern.