OP, I did pretty much this for my Asgard shed at our old place, 4:2:1 mix for the concrete. I cast a full sized base about 5inches thick to site the (4 bike) store onto, but I set 2 allthread bars into the base before it set. The threaded bars were set 3 inches deep into the concrete with a plate washer on the bottom with some nuts holding in place, set to the pitch of my ground anchor.
I then built the store over these studs, with the holes drilled through the base where they poked through, drop the ground anchor on then 2 nuts on the top of each one done up bstard tight and then split the thread so they couldn’t be undone.
I had to get the grinder in to cut the thing free when we moved, then cut the protruding studs flush with the concrete to make it tidy.