Home Forums Chat Forum Concrete block dense or aerated

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  • Concrete block dense or aerated
  • nixie
    Full Member

    I’m building the base for a heavy pizza oven. Last time I used dense (7.2N) blocks. Is there any reason that aerated blocks (3.6N) would be a bad idea instead (have a lot further to move them this time and weight is appealing)? 4 courses high supporting a 1200x1200x250mm slab with approx 1 ton of oven on top of that. There will be a decorative brick wall around it.

    Free Member

    They are more prone to cracking and harder to render but neither of those really apply to your application. They can be a bit harder to lay for an amateur as they suck up the moisture from the mortar. Again probably not a big issue for that build. I think I’d still want to use dense blocks. If you can source proper medium dense blocks they are a bit lighter with more or less the same properties as dense. Or why not just build it in decorative brick?

    Full Member

    Thanks. Bricks are reclaimed from the house so I only have so many. Blocks quicker for the inner wall which means oven can be used before the outer wall is done (it will have a brick arch which takes me a while to do). I’m being lazy and buying a precast slab for the top.

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