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  • computer games you are looking forward to playing.
  • racefaceec90
    Full Member

    i must admit that i have a fair few that i am looking forward to re/starting,but will list the main ones (some i have played before).

    oddworld stranger’s wrath hd (here’s a video i recorded of me starting the game).

    just a fantastic series of games,and such a shame that they stopped making them 🙁 the chippunks are worth it alone 😀

    hexen 2 have been looking forward to playing this as i enjoyed the original game.

    am planning on downloading both portal 2 and bioshock infinite tomorrow for 360.very much looking forward to playing them 😀

    will leave it there for now 😉

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    I’m still waiting for a decent next gen game.

    So far it’s fun but not amazing.

    Full Member

    Watch Dogs for me but going have to buy PS4 first as really want to play on a new generation. New TV next week first though so it puts that on hold. That said the amount of overtime due to at finishes this month will pay for one of it continues the same this weekend.

    Daylight sounds interesting too where streaming can effect your gameplay those watching can trigger certain actions to try and make the game unique for each player.

    Full Member

    Purchased Final Fantasy 7 on steam, going to get a controller then get into that, still nothing else comes close imo. Not much in the pipeline that I’m excited about.

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    I’m working through Bioshock Infinite at the moment. Not bad, but having played the first couple of Bioshock games, it’s quite… formulaic.

    I have Total War Shogun II to get to, I guess. I really got into XCOM, so might buy the expansion pack for that. And then looking further ahead, Dark Souls 2 is due out this year(?)

    Free Member

    somebody did a PSA here a while back about Skyrim……absolute bar stewards my life is now taken over

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    Fallout 4.

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    South Park stick of truth and destiny

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    Only thing on my radar really is Everquest Next but that’s a long way off. Tried the ESO beta but I don’t think it’s for me, there’s a few neat features but it lacked the slickness of games like WoW (more to do with the UI rather than the fact it’s still beta). I also can’t help feeling the game’s biggest selling point, mass PvP battles, are going to end up a let down – either due to lag issues or some imbalances/hacking ruining it.
    I wanted to like Rust, the concept is really good, but after playing the alpha I think it’s fundamentally flawed. Starting out is great, it really is about survival and everything is scary but once you start getting guns and kevlar then the only scary thing is other players. That in itself isn’t too bad but it’s a problem in a perpetual world, you can’t defend yourself when you’re offline getting on with real life so all your hard won possessions can be lost whilst you sleep just because someone with no job could still be playing at 4am and raided your house. The only way to play it and have a reasonable chance is to form big communities with enough people so there’s 24×7 coverage but even then you need to be able to trust strangers on the Internet which is never a good premise.
    DayZ SA seems fundamentally flawed due to the graphics engine, its horrible. It’s also too hard in a way and there’s too much running about – maybe both will be addressed by the time it launches but the engine will remain so I’m not wasting any more time on it.

    Free Member

    Purchased Final Fantasy 7 on steam, going to get a controller then get into that, still nothing else comes close imo.

    Agreed. I’ve been playing it through for the last few weeks. It’s perfectly playable on a keyboard, you just have to spend some time configuring the keys to suit.

    As above, i’m waiting for HL3, Fallout 4 and also a GTA5 port for PC.

    Free Member

    I’ve just downloaded Space Engineers from Steam. It’s still Alpha, but it looks like it’ll be good fun when it’s finished. Sort of like a slightly more grown up Minecraft. In space.

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    There’s a new Star Wars Battlefront coming soon, really enjoyed the last one

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    Ms Pacman
    Jet Set Willy

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    Recently built this:


    So playing all sorts. Fez is a recent highlight – go play it. Also monaco, if you have any friends to play with (ideally in he same room). Currently cheap on the humble bundle too!

    Playing gunpoint just now, looking forward to a new fallout, and bio shock at some point.

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    Bayonetta 2

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    Free Member

    My gaming schedule:

    1) Get 100% in GTAV
    2) Continue with XCOM
    3) Last of Us

    That might take me a year or so 🙂

    Full Member

    Might have to pick up that XCOM expansion, did like the basic game a lot but I can’t see me replaying it otherwise, too grindy and repetitive. Classes really needed rebalancing too- annoying that the sniper was so effective but forced really dull play. And more skill tree options! All the reviews talk about caring about your characters but all my dudes are exactly the same. Oh you’re a support with deep pockets and the medkit boost? That’s cool, so am I! We should hook up!

    Skyrim feels ever so slightly like a job I have to do now, but still enjoyable.

    Full Member

    Still playing GTAV Online a lot, but looking forward to WatchDogs. I still have to complete the story mode on GTAV though and after that I will revisit Assassin’s Creed 4 for a bit.

    Full Member

    With my boredom threshold I’d say none. I reckon I play a game for no more than about 10-12 hours these days, including stuff like Fallout, Crysis, Bioshock, Battlefield, COD, Portal blah blah.

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    Watch Dogs for me

    +1. Been a while since I last looked forward to a game quite as much. So it’ll probably suck. (-:

    Free Member

    Northwind.. not sure you are playing the same game 🙂 Snipers are a bit of a liability for me – not accurate enough to rely on, and with only 4 people at first I need more people in the melee

    Free Member

    I’m struggling to get GTAV online to work well these days. I keep getting invites from camp_koala but it doesn’t let me join for some reason.

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    Halo 5,
    Fallout IV.

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    molgrips – Member

    Northwind.. not sure you are playing the same game Snipers are a bit of a liability for me – not accurate enough to rely on, and with only 4 people at first I need more people in the melee

    Snipers are rubbish when fresh but once you get them powered up they’re the strongest so they come through in the later game when you really need it. Not to mention the longest lived! hard to skill them up til you have your squad size up mind. Assaults with rifles and heavies start out stronger then fall off.

    Oh and if you’re struggling for accuracy, are you using the second wave dlc thing for randomised skills? If so, hire loads of rookies and sack all the ones that don’t have good aim and willpower, rather than just making do with knobbers, it pays off massively.

    Free Member

    Battlefront 3 if it ever gets finished, other than that, the new Transformers game looks promising.

    Full Member

    Later in XCOM, snipers turn into must-haves, especially when you open up their final skill options. You get 2 shots per turn, and the plasma rifles give them pretty much 1-shot kills. The rest are a bit tricky though; I ended up going with 2 fully-levelled support, because they’re offered pretty much the same as Assault guys, but with deeper pockets.
    I did find myself getting really annoyed when I lost particular guys, but that was more “doh, I should’ve played that move instead”.
    Didn’t see the point of the SHIV, and apparently the expansion goes with mech type things.

    I’ve read good things about the South Park game. Might also check out Rayman if it’s ever in the steam sale.

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    The new Elite and Elder Scrolls: Online


    Free Member

    Fallout 4.

    You mean Wasteland 2.

    Wasteland 2[/url]

    By the people who made the original wasteland and Fallout 1&2

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    Star Citizen

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