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  • Coffee & fertility
  • JulianA
    Free Member

    Well, that’s perfectly up to you, adjustablewench. You are quite entitled to your views, although if you were to read some of the ‘I drink loads of coffee and we’ve got kids’ posts on the first page of this thread I’d like to think that you might change your mind – they seem rather more insensitive than my posts, but as I said, each to their own.

    I don’t want to start a thread about global population or what God wants (I did note your lack of capitalisation as I’m not p!ssed as you so delicately put it!) or I should have done so earlier: I’m simply suggesting that there might be another side to the story. If you had experienced my childhood you might, just might, be a little more sympathetic.

    Your call. There are many sides to every story.

    Free Member


    Your post is lost in the general noise… Who did you mean?

    Free Member

    Oh noes, punctuation fail when posting with a mobile device. The horror, the horror.

    Free Member

    They will mess up your life, cost you a fortune and contribute to over population – and they’ll probably have a worse life than you do, so why inflict it on them? Sorry, but it seems like narcissism to me…

    The only narcissistic part of having kids is not having enough sleep.. luckily your own kids are truly the most special bundles of joy in the world and you dont understand what having children means until they come along…

    Free Member

    When the OP asks how coffee affects his fertility what is wrong with the answer ‘I drink loads of coffee and we’ve got kids’.

    As for not using a capital for ‘a god’, I believe I am correct when I am not referring to any specific religious figurehead.

    As for the bad experience in childhood, its not an exclusive club unfortunately. Lots of us have had bad experiences and it affects how we turn out, for me it has resulted in me wanting children so I can enjoy their childhood and give them all the love and care that was lacking in my own, and it really does make me feel better for it, as it is human nature at it’s best to want to love, teach and nuture.

    Free Member

    As I put before we tried for 10+ cycles with donor eggs and eventually gave up – very difficult decision, but it was the right one for us.

    If it doesn’t work, and I really hope it does, then don’t discount adoption. The process only took just over a year from start to finish, and he is an adorable 2 year old. If in the long run you want to chat to anyone about it my email is in my profile (not that you will need to !)

    I wonder if Julian has sobered up yet ?

    Full Member

    Julian – complaining about people insulting you is a bit rich when you come onto a thread populated partly by people describing their harrowing experiences trying to conceive and accuse them of narcissism.

    Even what you seem to think is educated discourse can be insulting and hurtful.

    On your broader point, I have no knowledge of your personal circumstances, but by the sound of it, you may have developed an unusual attitude to one of the most fundamental biological drives that humans possess, so perhaps you shouldn’t be entirely surprised to find yourself at odds to the majority.

    Full Member

    O.P. go to your doctors and ask to have your BillyBunk tested.
    (see the “I made a terrible error” thread).
    The test tells you how much and importantly how mobile it is.
    The test score can be improved over a period of three four months.
    My little monster is G.M. 🙂 & best of luck to emma & willard.

    Free Member

    luckily your own kids are truly the most special bundles of joy in the world

    That’s what you think.
    You know those people who piss you off? There’s quite a lot of them out there, could be the lazy colleague at work, that neighbour who parks in the wrong place just to annoy you, that bloke in the pub who tried to pick a fight with you etc etc.
    That could be your offspring, they don’t all turn out as wonderful human beings you know. Plenty of people’s spawn are contributing to broken Britain. There’s one born every minute.

    Free Member

    Cloudnine and adjustablewrech, here here! 🙂

    JulianA, some 10 years ago I may well have said something similar (though without the god stuff.) Thankfully my life has changed a lot since then.

    Free Member

    There’s one born every minute.

    I’d add “Arseholes on internet forums” to your list.

    Free Member

    I’d add “Arseholes on internet forums” to your list.

    their parents probably think they are wonderful. isn’t that what yours thought of you?

    Free Member

    Oh and…

    Broken Britain


    I can’t believe anyone other than a Tory politician or a tabloid journalist uses that phrase.

    Free Member

    Mr Smith.. have next doors kids been irritating you?
    I should be the grumpy tired troll but I see the position is already taken.
    Just soes you know.. I was a little darling and my girls are and always will be little Angel princesses.

    And Op.. don’t worry about coffee

    Free Member

    i’m waiting for the opportunity to use ‘big society’ but in a thread about the obese.

    Free Member

    Mr Smith.. have next doors kids been irritating you?

    they don’t have any. i’m not grumpy about anything, just because people disagree with some of STW’s posters mores doesn’t mean you are grumpy, it’s just a difference of opinion that offends your sensibilities.

    a good nights sleep and in the studio early to shoot shiny things then off to a beer festival, i couldn’t be happier thanks.

    Free Member

    a good nights sleep and in the studio early to shoot shiny things then off to a beer festival, i couldn’t be happier thanks.

    Will there be some opportunities for you to sneer at people you think you’re superior to? That seems to be what makes you happy judging by your posts on here.

    Free Member

    they don’t have any. i’m not grumpy about anything, just because people disagree with some of STW’s posters mores doesn’t mean you are grumpy, it’s just a difference of opinion that offends your sensibilities. use any child related thread, even a fertility one where clearly, some people are having a tough time in life, to air their oft repeated, attention seeking malignant views, doesn’t necessarily mean they’re arseholes, but sometimes they just can’t help themselves.


    Free Member

    Will there be some opportunities for you to sneer at people you think you’re superior to? That seems to be what makes you happy judging by your posts on here.

    i’m not sitting on a yacht, sipping bollinger. it’s a beer festival, as long as your over 18 and like beer they are fun and quite accessible to anyone, if you look on the camra website there will be a list.


    deaddarcy have next doors kids been irritating you?

    Free Member

    Any chance we can all take a step back and stop being arses ?
    Being a troll of either persuasion is not going to help people doing through a really shit time – sure it will make you feel better but if you don’t like the topic please go elsewhere and if you seen someone posting a nasty post just ignore them and give some helpful advice to the OP.

    Free Member

    Pa ha ha – thanks mrblobby, I have been called some things in my time but


    made me properly lol!

    Free Member

    Apologies to those I insulted and upset – some of my posts appear out of order on rereading them.

    Free Member

    Fingers crossed for you and your wife Willard!

    Free Member

    Fertility declines with age. For some people who are struggling to conceive in their (well, her, to be more accurate) late thirties, they may
    have left it too late. That’s why the NHS advises that women over 36 who are struggling to conceive should see their GP sooner rather than later.

    Yes, but as I’ve already shown, the decline isn’t nearly as significant as is commonly supposed. Whilst it’s possible that a couple in their late thirties struggling to conceive have left it too late, statistically it’s unlikely.

    Free Member

    That’s why the NHS advises that women over 36 who are struggling to conceive should see their GP sooner rather than later.

    Then ironically, in my local Trust, the only people they will consider for IVF treatment are childless women between the ages of 39.5 and 40 years old.

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