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  • Cloverfield
  • DavidB
    Free Member

    Did anyone notice that the spider type monsters seemed to be man size when attacking soldiers on street but dog size in tunnel and high rise building. Also, I'm sure the same holds for the main monster which seems to be smaller at the end when it eats the annoying ****.

    Great film though, looking forward to sequel

    Free Member

    I think it achieved what it set out to do. The novel camera work (novel insofar as it isn't usually used on big budget movies) added to the sense of confusion etc (as mentioned earlier) and set it apart from run of the mill Hollywood ectoplasm*. Yes there were flaws but isn't watching a film all about suspension of disbelief?

    Did I like it? I found it difficult to concentrate but wasn't that the point? I watched it at the flicks and at home the other night. Put it this way, twice is enough and I won't be rushing to see it again.

    *Or was it just self consciously "different" and therefore just one more product of the Hollywood machine?

    Free Member

    chewkw – Member
    One word = Shite.

    Yes, that IS a single word. Well done! 🙄

    Full Member

    Blair Witch with monsters.

    Full Member

    I thought District 9 was something of an opportunity missed, insofar as the obvious references to apartheid seemed a bit dated. I'd not argue with the notion that SA still has massive problems with racial integration, but the film seemed a bit late to the party in that respect.

    I wondered if they were going to say something about the problems of refugees, or even about the way human beings, for all our pronouncements about our own progress, rationalism etc etc, still can't cope with difference. it seemed to me that the film flirted with that for a while, then settled for a hollywood style shoot out to conclude the film.

    it wasn't a bad film by any means, it just hinted at a depth that, ultimately, wasn't there.

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