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  • Church Bells – anyone like them?
  • convert
    Full Member

    You want them to ring the church bells for funerals ?

    Do they not do that? In a solemn bong, bong, bong not jingly jangly happy chappy sort of way? Clearly I’m campanologically ignorant!

    Free Member

    Convert do you live in Cheadle nr Stockport. I’m staying nearby St Mary’s, they are really giving it beans.

    I like them, the sound, the simplicity, the history. Keep em ringing I say. I’m not a church goer by the way. Love them ringing away in my village.

    Free Member

    You can put mufflers on the bells for funerals.

    Free Member

    Townies 🙄

    Free Member

    Every Friday at 13.00hrs, I hear a call for prayer which goes like this, ‘all stations, unlock for muslim service’. Usually get a good turnout too, about 100 muslims out of 810 prisoners in total. Not many christian types go to chapel on a Sunday though.
    No church bells, no wailing either.

    Full Member

    Convert do you live in Cheadle nr Stockport. I’m staying nearby St Mary’s, they are really giving it beans.

    I like them, the sound, the simplicity, the history. Keep em ringing I say. I’m not a church goer by the way. Love them ringing away in my village.

    No – South Downs, Hampshire.

    Maybe my boys are just a bit crap – it’s the repetitive nature – the volume means you just can’t escape or talk over it. I’ve done the whole white noise interrogation training shizzle when in the mob in my youth and I think my bell ringing friends have got the edge.

    Full Member

    You can put mufflers on the bells for funerals.

    Do you think builder’s expanding foam that ‘fell’ in them would have the same effect…..just to take the odd 30 decibels off the the volume.

    Free Member

    Live next to a Church, they have bell ringing practice every Thursday for two hours. It’s annoying bit it’s either bell ringing or listening to the call for prayers at the local mosque!

    Full Member

    I live directly opposite the village church. Weekly bell practise, services, AND chimes every quarter of an hour – because God may be omnipotent and all-powerful, but for some reason He needs to be constantly reminded what time it is. Maybe He’s gone senile in His old age. That would explain a few things. 😀

    (Don’t really mind the bells to be honest. Can be a bit annoying when putting our 6 week old baby to sleep though)

    Full Member

    Congrats on your baby graham.

    Do the chimes of bells not qualify as nuisance noise? Imagine someone playing music loud enough for the whole district to hear, for two hours! It wouldn’t be tolerated.

    Free Member

    Campanologists …

    It’s all them Mars Bars
    I kinda like church bells—if they weren’t there how would I know when it’s three and a bit minutes past the hour?

    Free Member

    The creepy old sod who purports to be a vicar in our village explained that we have chimes on the quarter hour to let the workers in the fields and factories know the time in between the hourly strikes. It’s almost as if the Casio digital watch had never been invented.

    Free Member

    The local ringers here are truly, truly woeful. They’re completely out of time with each other and themselves. Sunday mornings are an insult to music and their practice sessions on a Monday evening seem only to reinforce their utter ineptitude. It’s funny that this came up now as I’d intended to go and record their rubbish on Sunday and make a case for the vicar to put the **** out of their/my misery.

    Full Member

    Round here, Sunday is a day of peaceful rest and making any kind of loud noise is basically illegal.

    Thanks for waking me up on my Sunday morning peaceful lie in.

    Used to live in Holland before. Musical chimes on the town hall clock tower every 15 minutes. Except on a couple of national holidays when there was constant musical chimes all day, but at least they had a few different tunes.

    Full Member

    The creepy old sod who purports to be a vicar in our village explained that we have chimes on the quarter hour to let the workers in the fields and factories know the time in between the hourly strikes.

    Did he explain why sometimes they randomly decide to toll out the hour in the middle of the night?

    Ours sometimes go off at like 3am. Is that a special chime for the night shift?

    Free Member

    *Reads GrahamS’s post earlier in thread.
    Realises I’ve missed some important news!*

    Congratulations, old chap!

    Full Member

    Cheers Flashy (and jekkyl) – and same to you I believe Captain?

    (Second time around for me, so bit less of a fanfare, more just a feeling of “Christ what have we done??”)

    Free Member

    “Christ what have we done??”

    That’s the worst thing about being an atheist, surely. No one to talk to when you’re having an orgasm.*

    *Note – That was what you had “done” to get another BTW. In case you hadn’t noticed! 🙂

    (Fast growing at Casa Flash. Crawling’s for losers. Standing up is where it’s at now!)

    Full Member

    Good work – skiing next then? 😀

    Free Member

    See “that” thread, Graham! 8)

    Free Member

    I live opposite a church and they ring the bells on a Thursday night. Not really my cup of tea but the church has been there since 1400 AD so I guess I’ll just have to suck it up.

    Free Member

    We did it at a local church with 20 Explorer Scouts earlier in the year, the whole village must have loved the oh so tuneful ringing going on that night! The church in question had some form of noise dampening in the bell tower, not much use tho as far as I could tell.


    Free Member

    @GrahamS – they run 24/7, I checked by staying up very late in the pub and walking past the church at all hours of the night.

    They do, however, provide a good good reference point as to just how big a bollocking I was in for when I got home.

    Congratulations to the breeders on STW.

    Free Member

    I am from Scotland, here we have bagpipes, I have no sympathy for you.

    Full Member

    I am from Scotland, here we have bagpipes, I have no sympathy for you

    See, I love bagpipes. 2 years ago when last I was up at the Nairn Highland games and my old man should have been at the front of the massed pipe and drums procession through town with some of the other old codgers because of various things he was involved in. He was too ill to take his place so they asked if I’d stand in for him. 120 odd pipers – ace – makes the hairs on the back of my neck stand up – in a good way 😀

    Always wished I’d learnt to play them myself – but I’d find a field far far away to practise (or in my bedroom in the room next to my neighbour’s kid as apparently is socially acceptable for DJing as long as you stop by 1am as it’s part of the give and take of life as discussed in previous threads).

    Free Member

    I just bought a new HiFi. Extraneous outside noise is now a thing of the past.

    Full Member

    Yes, living here makes very (very) good financial sense – so this is something I just have to suck up. Doesn’t mean I can’t grumble about it though – I’m a middle aged atheist – it’s what I was born to do!

    The church has been there for probably several centuries, with bells being rung for most of that time, then a temporary incomer wants all that history stopped. 🙄
    The same sort of thing happens around here; posh, well-heeled townies see fancy house, buy it and move in. The annoying noisy*/muddy/ugly facility nearby would be an irritation, except that they have lots of money and influential friends, and get said facility shut down, depriving locals of employment. But that’s OK, the posh townies have a quiet life…
    *I’m specifically thinking of Castle Combe racing circuit, which had been in use for fifty years, when some swanky townies moved into the village, started complaining about the noise, and inconvenience of hundreds, or thousands of visitors coming and spending all their money in the local pubs, restaurants, hotels, B&B’s, etc, and demanded it be shut down.
    After many court appearances, and appeals, the circuit stayed open, saving many local jobs, but it cost them huge amounts of money, erecting banking to muffle the noise.
    Bloody townie scum. 👿

    Full Member

    Bloody townie scum.

    Hey, I was born with muddy boots on! They might not have had English South Downs mud on them, but they were muddy never the less.

    If you could not interpret a little tongue in cheek in my post(s) then either I have lost the ability to project through the written word or you need to tune up the old literal analyser.

    Yes, heaven forbid centuries of earnest hand ringing were to end – it’s what southern England was built on!

    Full Member

    Sorry, I do realise there was a fair degree of tongue in cheek, but it rather touched a nerve, there’s more than a little of the “right, I like the location, but that muddy farm lane/noisy church bell ringing/noisy cockerel, smelly pig farm* spoils it, so I’ll just hava a word with my poncy friends, and get it sorted out” situation goes on around here. That’s the problem with living in nice countryside like the south Cotswolds, people think it should be a nicely manicured theme-park, rather than a place where people live and work.
    *delete which applicable.

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