Yes, living here makes very (very) good financial sense – so this is something I just have to suck up. Doesn’t mean I can’t grumble about it though – I’m a middle aged atheist – it’s what I was born to do!
The church has been there for probably several centuries, with bells being rung for most of that time, then a temporary incomer wants all that history stopped. 🙄
The same sort of thing happens around here; posh, well-heeled townies see fancy house, buy it and move in. The annoying noisy*/muddy/ugly facility nearby would be an irritation, except that they have lots of money and influential friends, and get said facility shut down, depriving locals of employment. But that’s OK, the posh townies have a quiet life…
*I’m specifically thinking of Castle Combe racing circuit, which had been in use for fifty years, when some swanky townies moved into the village, started complaining about the noise, and inconvenience of hundreds, or thousands of visitors coming and spending all their money in the local pubs, restaurants, hotels, B&B’s, etc, and demanded it be shut down.
After many court appearances, and appeals, the circuit stayed open, saving many local jobs, but it cost them huge amounts of money, erecting banking to muffle the noise.
Bloody townie scum. 👿