totalshell, you don’t need to be minted to put your kids in school. The chap i work with who earns a fair bit less than me has put his son into Private school, granted it’s not boarding, but it still works out at around £900-1200 per month for the privilage. It’s been done out of necessity as the local schools are shiiit and his son was getting bullied mercilessly. He ears circa £40K per annum, his wife about £10K in a pub. they’ve decided to forgo 2 cars, holidays moving house and many other niceties. It can be done, but as you point out it can make ou extremely skint.
also, CB is reduced from £50K to £60K, so what we are assuming really is a couple to have a potential £100K gross annual between them to still get full CB entitlement. At this level, it’s very easy to fund up to 2 privately.