Home Forums Bike Forum Changing 150mm Marz Z1 forks to 130mm or 150 on a PA?

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  • Changing 150mm Marz Z1 forks to 130mm or 150 on a PA?
  • GEDA
    Free Member

    I have got a pair of 150mm Marz z1’s for my PA. They have ETA on them. How easy is it to change them to 130mm, any links to sites showing you what to change?

    On the other hand if I run them with ETA on most of the time then 150mm for DH is it likely to destory my bike, I suppose I can tell if it will destroy the handling or not.

    Free Member

    with eta on you only have about 30mm travel right? would not want to ride like that for very long !

    the PA is designed around 130mm forks IIRC so should handle fine, just a bit more twitchy than with 150mm forks on

    Free Member

    I will see how it goes. I have a 130mm set of z1’s so thought I might be able to swap them around somehow to make them shorter as really I never feel I need more than the 130mm I currently have but wanted to have the ETA.

    Free Member

    GEDA what year Z1’s are they? On my 05 Z1 FR’s you could change between travel by changing an internal spacers position. In my 08 Z1 RC2’s though you need to buy a new cartridge.

    Free Member

    They are 05’s. That is what I thought (About the spacers) but I was not sure exactly which bitss they were. I can take them apart to do an oil change but did not want to start bashing things out until I knew what I was doing.

    Can’t find a manual though

    Free Member

    Take them apart then give the importers tech-guys a quick call. It should be straight fwd if they describe the part(s) in question.

    Full Member

    PM me – I have some docs that might be useful.

    Free Member

    How do I PM any one. Can’t see any options on profile.

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