Well, it’s done and I thought I’d report back.
A couple of excuses first:
1. it was at night
2. it was into a min average headwind of 25kph
3. it was raining (quite badly)
4. I was solo for 75% of it
5. I had to use my commuter (alfine Di2) which with 37c tyres, lights, guards and bottles was over 27lbs…
Total distance 173km
Total ride time 7:06mins
Total time (8:16mins)
Average speed (25kph)
Total rests 3 (but one was a 5 min walk whilst I allowed my ass and back to recover)
I think better lights (or being able to run my existing lights at full power) would’ve made a difference, I was VERY slow on the descents, braking most of the way down as I simply couldn’t see through the rain.