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  • Cedric Gracia and every riders first aid nightmare
  • ninfan
    Free Member

    Dirt have just released the video of Cedrics crash last month at the Mega


    Tiny little low speed off resulting in torn femoral 😯

    huge kudos to everyone in the video for staying calm and managing to control the blood loss

    I think for all of us thats one of the ones that you just think, “But for the grace of god…”

    Free Member


    Remarkable composure from all involved.

    Free Member

    Bloody Hell, can’t help thinking how we all walk the tight rope!

    Free Member

    He is a first aiders dream, very calm considering the only time you will want a knee in your groin!

    Free Member

    Bloody Hell, can’t help thinking how we all walk the tight rope!


    Do give over…

    Instructional though; big bleed = press on it until help arrives.

    Free Member

    said it before but is this kind of stuff that scares me, much morw so than really pushing myself when I’m trying to manage the risks. Just tootling along, no worries …then bang. If that had been me on my sunday afternoon mince round my local route then i’d have probably bled to death…:-(

    Free Member

    Shit a brick, that’s bloody scary.

    Wife will be getting a first aid course fir Christmas now. Only trouble being, I might have bled out by the time she catches up to me.

    Full Member

    Wow, quite difficult to watch that video, and i’m not really a squeamish person.

    In way, luckily it was an external bleed. Could easily have been internal and the severity of it perhaps not immediately noticed.

    Sometimes, your mates are worth there weight in gold hey 😉

    GWS Cedric!

    Free Member

    Celox is your friend.

    Full Member

    crikey – Member
    Bloody Hell, can’t help thinking how we all walk the tight rope!

    Do give over…

    Instructional though; big bleed = press on it until help arrives.

    Sorry Crikey – he is right.

    Free Member

    Severity vs likelihood.
    Not very likely but bloody hell, that’s pretty server.

    Free Member

    Sorry Crikey – he is right.

    No. He really isn’t right.

    Think of the number of people who ride mountain bikes.
    Think of the number of deaths which occur while people are riding mountain bikes.

    There’s no ‘tightrope’ to walk, it’s not a dangerous activity and suggesting it is is silly Daily Mailesque scare mongering.

    For a more objective and hard headed approach, look at the cost of getting insured when going abroad to ride your bike.

    Full Member

    No, on second thoughts you’re right Crikey. The 1/4 inch away from a broken back and near broken neck that I’ve had are total figments of my imagination…

    Or more likely our experiences are just different. Within my wide group of my riding companions I am not that unusual.

    Free Member

    That’s grim, he was lucky. Why did the artery rupture? Bar end?

    Full Member

    Jeepers, lucky bastard to walk (sort of!) away from that!

    Free Member

    Crikey, do you wear a helmet when you bike? If not, you’re right, it’s not dangerous and I’ll go find something else to do instead.

    Free Member

    CG is ace.. I hope he mends well. 🙂

    Every A&E MTB accident I’ve had in the last 3 years has been through ‘just riding along’. That’s what scares me.

    I’m currently off the bike with a broken sternum (12 weeks to heal fully!) from just riding along and fooking up for a nano-second. The accident before last lead to 3 weeks in a dopey concussive state. A second’s mis-calcluation is all it seems to take, IME.

    I’ve pinned it like a mentalist a-plenty in that the last 3 years also, but it’s the ‘just riding along’ bits that always seem to get me.

    Scary vid… I couldn’t actually watch too much of it! 😯

    Free Member

    I think it is because when you are JRA you are not 100% focusing. When you’re absolutely going for it everything is focused and sharp. My worst recent accident was a JRA along as well.

    Free Member

    Why did the artery rupture?

    His pelvis broke, taking his artery with it!
    Cedric’s pelvis has previous!

    Free Member

    Crikey is right. “We all walk a tightrope” is guff.

    Free Member

    Pelvis not broke! Wow that’s a freak accident!

    His Pelvis has still had previous!

    Free Member

    Madness, just a gentle ride out then BAMM you’re spouting the red stuff.

    Free Member

    Celox is your friend

    Anyone actually used it? Would it work on such a heavy bleed?

    Full Member

    Anyone actually used it? Would it work on such a heavy bleed?

    Not a clue got some in my works first aid kit but everyone at work won’t hurt themselves enough to try it 😉

    Free Member

    His pelvis broke,

    Ah, didn’t realise that…

    in which case, you can only begin to imagine how painful it was having his mate stick his knee in there to put pressure on the bleed 😯

    Free Member

    The 1/4 inch away from a broken back and near broken neck that I’ve had are total figments of my imagination…

    So that’s a not broken back and a not broken neck.

    Like I said, it’s not dangerous.

    Free Member

    So that’s a not broken back and a not broken neck.

    Like I said, it’s not dangerous.

    But would you not say it’s a close call?? I’d say a 1/4 inch a way from paralysis or death is closer than most of us would like…

    Free Member

    CG’s pelvis-shattering crash was a different episode to this one. I have no idea whether any previous surgery affected his groin veins or whether he just got a brake lever in the wrong place. Looks painful though!

    Anyone actually used [Celox]? Would it work on such a heavy bleed?

    I haven’t seen it used on anything quite as fast-flowing as this accident, but it is supposed to work on both arterial and venous bleeds (and trial data suggests it does) so I would imagine it would work, yes. It’s not something most of us carry in a Camelbak though. For that sort of crash, manual pressure is definitely the correct thing to do.

    Free Member

    crikey – Member

    Sorry Crikey – he is right.

    No. He really isn’t right.

    Think of the number of people who ride mountain bikes.
    Think of the number of deaths which occur while people are riding mountain bikes.

    I’ve been at two race meets where someone has been killed, the most recent in October this year.
    I have done 541 races, at an average of (wild guess) 150 people at each that’s 81150 starts, so a 1 in 40575 chance of being killed in a race.
    Don’t know how many air-ambulances I’ve seen over the years, my former team-mate has been in one twice, most recently Margam 2011.
    Google search for risks of skydiving says 1 in 70,000 chance of being killed.
    Neither of these are big numbers. Google tells me that 13 people are killed every year by vending machines falling on them, but only 5 by sharks

    Free Member

    Risk = likelihood x outcome

    Free Member

    Same old STW 🙄

    Free Member

    I got shown a film of a pig having its femoral artery cut, fixed with Celox, and carried around(to simulate being a squaddie). At my last first aid course. It worked!!

    Full Member

    I like cedric…..seems like a nice bloke. I would love to buy him a pint.

    Free Member

    Well, it makes me want to put some celox in the first aid kit.

    Hope they put the pig back together when they finished.

    Full Member

    The likelihood of death is less than the likelihood of serious injury or disability. I’m not saying that major injury is common – just that it is a risk we all run. No need for all the vehemence perhaps…

    Full Member

    Might want to get two on the sachet it says a second application may be needed.

    Full Member

    So that’s a not broken back and a not broken neck.
    Like I said, it’s not dangerous.

    It’s strange though Crikey, being restrained on a spinal board for a couple of hours at a time and having spinal x-rays is very sobering and a reminder that there is real risk in cycling. According to the consultant in Glamorgan a few years ago – spinal injuries of varying seriousness are common in their area.

    I’ve been recovered by ambulance several times in the last 18 years. 2 fractured arms, 2 broken noses, 1 suspected broken neck, 1 suspected lumbar spinal injury, severe facial injuries requiring degree of plastic surgery and orthodontic surgery, 1 de-gloved knee – cut open to bone, 2 arms and 2 legs abraded to lower dermal layer and subcutaneous fat, 2 concussions, torn muscles to shoulder, neck and back, hyper-extension of shoulder.

    These are just my injuries Crikey. Does my engagement in this sport not sound like it bears some risk…? These obviously also don’t include the normal scrapes, bruises, grazes and sprains you get.

    Free Member

    I’ve been recovered by ambulance several times in the last 18 years. 2 fractured arms, 2 broken noses, 1 suspected broken neck, 1 suspected lumbar spinal injury, severe facial injuries requiring degree of plastic surgery and orthodontic surgery, 1 de-gloved knee – cut open to bone, 2 arms and 2 legs abraded to lower dermal layer and subcutaneous fat, 2 concussions, torn muscles to shoulder, neck and back, hyper-extension of shoulder.

    Have you ever thought maybe you’re doing it wrong? 😛

    Full Member

    You never know chap!

    Free Member

    I am unable to comment on your propensity for injury, maybe it’s a skills issue….

    The fact remains that of the many thousands of people involved in mountain biking across the UK, the vast majority of them manage to ride without causing themselves any major injury, and more specifically, any major vascular injury.

    Go and check how much it costs to insure yourself… well maybe not you, as you seem to be a one man disaster area, but how much it is to insure someone for a mountain bike holiday. Insurance companies have a very clear idea of how risky things are.

    Sorry, but it’s not a dangerous thing to do, however much you protest.

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