Home Forums Bike Forum Cateye Strada Tyre Circumference Settings

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  • Cateye Strada Tyre Circumference Settings
  • duckers
    Free Member

    I’ve just measured the circumference of a 2.1 Racing Ralph on a mavic cross ride and I get 1980mm, nothing like the recommended setting in the manual. Is my measurement wrong?

    I basically stuck one length of electrical tape to the outside of the tyre all the way round and marked it with a pen where they joined (no room in the garage to measure it on the ground!), stuck it to a tape measure, and it comes to 1980. Strada manual says 2068 for a 2.1 tyre.

    Free Member

    Tried a different tape measure and its bang on 2068mm. Why the **** anyone would anyone own a tape measure that doesnt measure is beyond me.

    Note to self: Next time you steal a tape measure from a builder make sure its accurate.

    Further note to self: Next time you hire a builder make sure his tape measure is accurate before he builds you a garage, maybe then you’ll have room for to get your car in and roll your bike to measure tyre circumference.

    Free Member

    What made you check it? 😕

    Free Member

    Put a dab of paint on the tyre ride the bike forward until you have two paint marks on the floor (best not to do it on the living room carpet) measure between the paint marks.
    Note:- Tyre pressure can have quite an effect on the effective circumference.

    Free Member

    Thats what I normally do but I was messing round with it last night with the car in the garage looking for an alternative solution.

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