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  • Career consultants?
  • alpinegirl
    Free Member

    Hello, I'm going through a bit of a what to-do with my life phase and thought visiting a career consultant might help. Has anyone got any experience of this, and did it help much? I think I just need to talk it over with someone.

    Also, if anyone has any recommendations for someone around the west London area that would be great! I don't know if they specialise at all, but it would be staying in the scientific area.


    Full Member

    alpine girl – there was a thread a week or so ago about it (http://www.singletrackworld.com/forum/topic/careers-coaching) which had some tips in it.

    Free Member

    Do what you are

    Read this book, it is really a good place to start in terms of finding something that will be fulfilling. A consultant may help you to find a job or field based on what you want, but I think it's a good idead to figure out what you want first.

    Free Member

    you can also e-mail me for free re advice but there are some good online stuff to look at


    free advice – not sure mmuch use if you are abroad though

    Free Member

    Thanks for the links – will have a look through them. I've been trying to work out what I want to do for about a year without success so have decided I might someone/thing to help me out! I've been lucky and got fairly high up in an academic career quickly, but now it just means I'm very specialised and not sure how to go about looking for other work in the "real" world.

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