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  • Carbon nuetral bikes
  • Xylene
    Free Member

    Which company produces the most carbon neutral bikes?

    I am assuming a German brand, with hand made tires.

    Free Member

    Presumably a carbon framed one.

    Free Member

    Mine must be carbon neutral, now i’ve stopped taking the helicopter the 6 miles in to the office

    Free Member

    German, rholoff scwhwalbe tires

    Full Member


    What does carbon neutral mean? They plant a lot of trees to offset the energy required to produce it, they use solar/wind power, they source materials locally?

    there’s so many variables that it’s difficult to say.

    A factory producing a million tyres a year on efficient, automated machinery may be more carbon neutral than a ‘hand made’ tyre – the human making the tyre has a huge carbon footprint during their working lifetime and that’s supported/funded by the tyres they make…

    Free Member

    Bamboo frame?

    Full Member

    That’s the answer…a process for extracting the CO2 from the air, removing the carbon, turning it into bikes and releasing lovely oxygen.

    Full Member

    Yes you could probably find some models closer to carbon or greenhouse gas neutral but it’s part of a wider context, as in how sustainable you are. Done some eco footprinting work with individuals who forget that one flight can wipe out all the other ‘green’ behaviours.

    Free Member

    As above, carbon neutral is a crock of sh*t, it does not exist.

    It is also not the only measure of sustainability. So many other pollutants, resources used, recyclability vs permanent pollutant, social issues etc.

    Free Member

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