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  • Can I have a little whinge?
  • allyharp
    Full Member

    Can I have a whinge too? Don’t fancy creating my own thread.

    I asked to exchange a shirt I bought from CRC as it had some random pink marks on it, and they appear to have sent me back the exact same one!

    Free Member

    Cheeky bastards!

    I suggest photographing said pink marks, so that if it happens again, you can justifiable slag them off.

    I’d press them for some form of compo. That is just sheer laziness.

    Free Member


    Full Member

    I think the classifieds are seen as a better place to sell than ebay and and it is that fettling time of year, good time to build up and stip down bikes etc so probably a busy time. What I find worse about the classifieds is the characters who sign up to the forum and scam people. That puts a shadow of doubt on what should be a community of serial bike swappers selling bits and pieces to each other. Must admit has made me a bit wary of buying things now..

    CG – Good luck with the search

    Free Member

    Can I ask a question about the classifieds too please.

    What does "WHY" mean?

    i.e. "looking for a frame why"

    Surly if you don’t know why how will we.

    Full Member

    WHY = "What have you?"

    C_G, don’t mean to be rude but I think you have to resign yourself to doing a bit of legwork. Try BM and Bikeradar too, you never know what will come up. Most people are going to be looking at the Classfieds because they want to buy or sell something, not because they want to fill people’s wanted requests.

    Also just because it drops off the bottom of the page it doesn’t mean people won’t be looking at it. I’ve had replies to classified ads weeks after I originally posted them.

    Free Member

    Thought I’d bump this again for a laugh – whinge away :o) lol

    Free Member

    WYG sounds more appropriate: What you got?

    Re the pink marks, you sure its not the design? 😉

    Free Member

    Yeah Mr Agreeable, Ive replied to week old threads, found them by searching for the name of the item I was after.

    Full Member

    if they made the classifieds like they used to, itd be a lot better. where the ad stays where it is and dies a natural death 🙂
    then thered be no ‘bumping’ cos it wouldnt make any difference. and the ads would move a lot slower down the page.

    its sposed to be in the pipeline, sooner the better IMHO :-/

    Free Member

    Your ad still used to get pushed off the page quickly by some people selling 20 items all listed individually though.

    Full Member

    Blimey, another thread started by me!

    Whinge? Nah, life’s grand.

    Full Member

    Thanks for explaining what bump meant, it saved me posting a thread. As regards the mass of stuff in classified, I was looking for a pair of Nixons for my Inbred, and started to lose the will to live, so I did a search for Nixons and got a bunch of threads, and the third one yielded exactly what I wanted for a good price, so result there, then. If anyone would like a pair of RS Domain 302’s…;0)

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