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  • Calling STW medical people
  • muddydwarf
    Free Member

    Right, for a little over three weeks now i’ve been sufferign from a particularly rough case of diorrhea(sp?).
    Stools non-existent to the point that it’s liquid – completely liquid.
    I’ve lost a bit of weight, but more importantly i don’t appear to be able to retain nutrients, went out for a ride this morning and the 5 mile canal ride to the trails had me shaking as though i’d bonked on a long hard ride.
    Getting a little worried now, should i see the doc or is it just a case of MTFU and take some tablets?

    Full Member

    Diagnosis – go and see a doctor.

    Free Member

    You’ve been ill for three weeks and it’s only now concerning you?

    Free Member

    Three weeks of the Ertha Kitts.

    You need to see a Doctor, not ask strangers on a bike forum.

    Free Member

    You’ve had the runs for three weeks and you’re asking on an internet forum? Seriously?

    Free Member

    How much and what have you been eating?

    See a doctor for sure, but it’s most likely to be some kind of viral thingy.

    The alternatives are that you have developed some kind of bowel problem like colitis, but that’s just wild speculation to amuse me.

    Free Member

    Either pop down to your local sex aids shop and by a butt plug,

    or go to the GP s tommorrow.

    one of the above responces is a joke,

    seriously make a list of stuf you eat, and look to see if you are eating anything different than a few weeks ago, like loads of fruit,or is someone at work or play puting laxitives in your tea or coffee, some people do think its funny, its not.

    Free Member

    It was rough for a few days three weeks ago then slowly got better to the point of almost-normal stools. Then MsD had a bout of it and i’ve started again today. Was going to make an appointment with the doc last week but seemed OK then today floored me again.

    Don’t think i’ve eaten much out of the ordinary, did spend last week eating baked spuds and beans to get some carbs back in me though. (Not every meal,every day of course but about4 times that week.)

    Free Member

    Keep the fluids going in and go to the docs Monday or maybe a walk-in centre tomorrow

    Free Member

    Beans four times in week?

    There’s your problem young muddy, there’s your problem.

    One meal with beans in and I’m like a poo fountain ( obviously the other way up ).

    Get thee to the chippy, for tha needs a chippy tea.

    Free Member

    …but no mushy peas… 😉

    Free Member

    I had flu then a week of no food. I went to the Docs. OP common-sense the *** up 🙂

    Free Member

    Go to the doctors!
    Go to the doctors!
    Go to the doctors!
    Go to the doctors!
    Go to the doctors!
    Go to the doctors!

    Free Member

    Right, for a little over three weeks now i’ve been sufferign from a particularly rough case of diorrhea(sp?).
    Stools non-existent to the point that it’s liquid – completely liquid.


    It was rough for a few days three weeks ago then slowly got better to the point of almost-normal stools. Then MsD had a bout of it and i’ve started again today.

    I can see what your problem is now.
    You have have a bad case of inconsistent symptoms 🙄

    Take two mars bars, some cheese, and a diet coke, and ring me if anything else happens.

    Full Member

    3 weeks and not settling = get thee to the doctor.


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