For us in NI it’s a long and dark winter, sunrise late Dec is 08.44 and sunset is 15.57, every year I find it’s like going into a very long tunnel, with just a very distant pin-point of light at the other end, around the end of Feb.
But that distant light gets a tiny bit closer and I guess that’s my coping mechanism, knowing it’ll pass.
Coping for me means accepting it’s a rubbish time of year, motivation is rock bottom, so even if it’s a lovely sunny day getting my arse into gear does not always happen, I know that, and I accept it.
I do try and see the +vs of a long dark winter, being outdoors as we know is a tonic, daylight might be short but it’s better than nowt, and so too is the winter night sky, when the clouds clear, and all the stars and planets are crisp and visible.
Otherwise, what gets me through is looking ahead, planning for future trips, rides, adventures, plotting. I get the diary out and look at April, May, June, July, seeing what might be possible. Read others’ trips, get ideas, day dream I suppose.