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  • Buttock chaffing
  • woool
    Free Member

    Ok so these past few years I’ve been suffering from buttock chaffage. What I mean by this is a sore area sometimes with the odd spot, these spots are big and lumpy but have no puss.

    This happens quite low down, near where my buttocks becomes legs. I’ve tried Assos, better padding, new saddle with smoother sides, saddle position, etc. None of those things have really nailed the problem and when I ride continuously for a few days in a row, the sore feeling comes back.

    It seems to be worse in the summer. Last summer after 9 weeks break, the chaffing came back after a few rides.

    It’s almost as if my butt cheeks are rubbing on the wide part of the saddle. The only thing I haven’t tried is a thinner saddle (I’m not that my current saddle is too wide, I don’t think it is).

    Please help. I’m desperate Dan…

    Free Member

    Eeuuw, ‘buttock chafing’.. nasty.

    Sounds like a problem with yer saddle, tbh. Maybe try a narrower one, see how you get on with it. Could also be that, and a combination of whatever your wearing, sliding around over your skin.

    What is it, this week, with bottom-related threads???

    Free Member

    I used to get this, somewhat mitigated by Assos cream, but since I wore down my saddle to match my arse it’s not been a problem!

    Full Member

    I’d be quite grateful if that were the only picture on this thread.

    Free Member

    I wore down my saddle to match my arse

    I… no, actually, I don’t want to even think about that.

    Free Member

    get some ‘chaff ease’ or ‘chaffe aid’ cant remember exactly, its great stuff

    Free Member

    LOL @ SFB

    Hang on, I have some close up pictures somewhere, needed to stand over the camera to take them…

    A thinner saddle is the only thing I can think of. I had the Specialized arse measurer at my LBS a few years ago and can remember I came out as the smaller width then.

    Free Member

    Now that is a job. Arse measurer to the stars…<sigh>


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