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  • Burning knee pain.
  • jkomo
    Full Member

    My right knee has always felt a bit weak, but since upping my training it has started to give a burning sensation.
    It’s really bad when it’s still as well.
    Walking about on it seems okay.
    Any idea ‘s?
    I was planning on doing about 100 miles a week now the weather is better.

    Free Member

    Which part of your knee? Front / side etc.
    Stop spilling hot tea on it!

    Full Member

    At gym now, I’ll try be more specific.

    Full Member

    The pain feels like it’s under the knee cap.
    Gentle yoga type stuff improves it, but it hurts like hell to do a lunge, or squat.
    Strong ache when stationary.

    Free Member

    Patella Chrondomacia (sp) perhaps, wear to the underneath surface of the knee cap, is quite common in cyclists.?

    Rest it up, I think you’re body is providing enough warning

    Free Member

    indeed, sometimes called Runners knee, you should apply ice and take ibuprofen and rest it. Use the pain as a barometer to train. if there are any symptoms, back straight off and revert to above.

    Free Member

    Some little background reading for you. I have had pain in my knees when I upped my training.



    Best go and see a physio and take things from there. It is ITBS that was affecting me with tight hip flexors and quads, but the pain was experienced in my knees. I started a stretch and strengthening programme, and use a foam roller regularly.

    See what the physio advises. Take some time off the bike, changing your training programme and perhaps then looking at your bike set-up, maybe even a bike fit could help.

    I am not a physio, but lunges and squats are just going to load up and tighten the very muscles you are stretching and loosening with your yoga type stuff. If it hurts, stop doing it and work on something else.

    Free Member

    I recently had knee problems. Knee got very painful after long rides, and gradually I could ride less and less until I could hardly do 1 km. Difuse pain around the knee cap, hard to put it down to one place but quite severe.

    I went and saw a good physio about it. The root of the problem was week glute muscles, the tendons down the outside of the knee had become very tight as a result causing the pain. He recommended starting strength training for legs and back and after a few weeks I started riding gently again. 2 months and it was sorted completely. So definitely worth seeing someone about it, the cause could be something seemigly unrelated and fixable with some effort.

    Free Member

    Stop doing the lunges and squats; you are overloading the joint. Apply ice and use Ibuprofen. If you must cycle, spin in a very easy gear to reduce the mechanical load on your knees. Most importantly, read up on saddle height and make sure you’ve got it right. The pain will go away of its own accord in a few weeks but you’ve got to give it a chance.

    Full Member

    Blimey, thanks all.
    I don’t of lunges or squats as a rule, I was just trying to fix the position of the pain.
    I’ve got a couple of big road rides coming up, but I’ll ease off on the training, maybe do more yoga.
    Thanks again

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