So I was out for a quick spin this morning before I went to work and managed to break one of my molars on a kerb! Not in the sense of crashing or falling off. But I must have been gritting my teeth or something so for the next 10 mins i was spitting out molar. TBH it contained my only filling. Anyway by the time I got home I had a jaggedy iceberg in my mouth. I couldn't move my tongue or smile properly. And my job means I gotta smile! So after a call to my dentist and the dental hospital – it's my tough luck – Im not dying or in pain. Until the kind nurse mentioned tesco do an emergency dental filling kit.
10 mins later I smell of cloves and have some putty stuff in my tooth. But my mouth feels normal. I get to work do the biz and say thanks to Tesco. Ok they're not perfect but today they saved my bacon!