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  • Brizzle trails – Leigh woods
  • Dr_Bakes
    Full Member

    Several moons ago I used to be a regular at Bristol Bikefest, riding the trails around Ashton Court until my legs fell off. I seem to remember there also being further trails over the road in Leigh Woods but upon looking now all that comes up is the ‘Yer Tiz’ blue trail and a couple of red offshoots that are rather uninspiring.

    I’m off to watch the footie near there on Saturday and was thinking about throwing my bike in the car for a little explore before the game. Can anyone give me a steer as to where to look for something to supplement a lap or two of Nova or Yer Tiz or is that really it?

    Full Member

    Some off piste stuff that comes out down by the river or there’s 50 Acre .

    Full Member

    That sounds promising. Ta. I’ve seen Belmont Woods is an option too.

    Free Member

    Plenty for a day. Ashton Court is a bit dull now but nice enough for a quick lap. Leigh Woods has a slightly more technical official loop then the off piste is properly challenging especially if it’s a bit wet. Steep, rocky, rooty, hairpins, etc. Spent my lockdown there going up and down. It’s quite tricky to find the start but they are on various trail apps. 50 acre is more natural, my favourite. Belmont is the big jumps, some very big, well beyond me. It’s strictly dry weather only, though, but should be ok if this weather holds.

    Full Member

    Leigh Woods isn’t as good as it used to be – one big hillside that had some good off piste in it was entirely wiped out a few years ago as they logged the whole thing with a plan to replant with native species. I haven’t really noticed new trees yet several years later but I haven’t looked that hard.

    There is still some off piste if you look for it – although quite a bit of it is frowned upon these days. Hard to explain where it all is tbh – ideally you need someone to show you round.

    AC has had quite a bit of work done on it by volunteers led by some of the pedal progression folks. Lots of it is now flowier – all berms and rollers. It’s ok for a quick blast.

    LW official trail has been neglected for a long time – it’s a bit cut up but still ok.

    50 acre is a short lap between LW and AC – it’s left more natural – it’s very rooty and pedally.

    Bourton Combe is more fun tbh – it’s up the Long Ashton bypass near Flax Bourton (tucked next to a quarry). There are 2 bridleways through it and all the trails are unofficial. But they’re pretty fun for a quick blast.

    Belmont hill is all about big jumps / gaps. I haven’t been there this year as it as a bit above my pay grade.

    Free Member

    AC has had quite a bit of work done on it by volunteers led by some of the pedal progression folks. Lots of it is now flowier – all berms and rollers. It’s ok for a quick blast.

    LW official trail has been neglected for a long time – it’s a bit cut up but still ok.

    Conversely I think AC has been over sanitised. All the rocks and bumps have been smoothed over taking away any roughness. The supernova section used to actually be challenging. I totally understand why they’ve done it given the wide range of users but for me it’s a shame. LW is just about right. Not too cut up and not too smooth. Also the recently logged bit is back in action. Not all of it but there are at least 3 routes down.

    Full Member

    @nickjb – there are 3 lines on the picnic bench side again are there? I knew there was one left but the exit onto the fireroad looked awful when I was there a month or 2 ago as a logging lorry or something had shredded the edge of the fireroad.

    Free Member

    Yeah, the lorry access cut a big chunk out of the left hand line but that has been incorporated into the line to add little steep rocky drop. The gully side got very cut up and the start has totally changed. Was there last week, didn’t go down that side but looking at the tracks it’s being well used now.

    Full Member

    The left hand line down from picnic bench had a large tree down near the bottom a couple of week ago so watch out on there.

    The three on the other side of the hill are all running still though, as are Rocky Horror and Lyme Disease. I generally prefer the last two as they’re a bit longer.

    Flax Bourton is a good call too, specially if it’s wet. I pretty much avoid Leigh Woods if it’s wet.

    Full Member

    I’ve never heard of a trail called Lyme Disease. Rocky is the one reliable one that always seems ok / open. Maggot seemed to get blocked off then not blocked off – haven’t ridden it this year I don’t think. Sh*t tent I haven’t ridden in years but the top looks open.

    Was at Bourton Combe last night for a quick blast – running dry and dusty at the moment. Really fast.

    Free Member

    Still some of the off piste stuff in LW left. check out strava heat maps or trailforks. Picnic Bench has all gone i think, but as someone before said Rocky Horror is still there, plus the ones in the coombe that goes down to the same place as Picnic Bench….but on the other side of the climb back up.  50 acre is good too, and there is another little trail that leads down to Abbots Leigh and back up from there to the start of 50 Acre.

    if you have time spend it exploring the area of LW past the mtb jumps when you go in the car park (head downhill and past a gate / little house) then onto the woods down there. Plenty of that off piste / unofficial is still there.

    Full Member

    Amazing, thanks all. I’m very happy to explore as long as I have a reasonable chance of finding at least something and not just piss off a load of dog walkers. Good to know to avoid certain areas when wet too.

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